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Malta curbs the cycle of waste

  • 15 June 2010

Modern waste processing systems demand state-of-the-art technology and new infrastructure in order to reduce detrimental effects on the environment. This large-scale project to upgrade the Sant'Antnin waste treatment plant and material recycling and recovery facility embodies this notion and in February 2008 saw the official inauguration of the Material Recycling Facility for household recyclables.

We can now recycle, sort and recover more waste, which is good for Malta and for the environment.

Vince Magri, Engineer and CEO of WasteServ Malta Ltd

Malta is aware that damage to the environment from waste must be minimised if it is to continue offering a clean environment to locals and also to the thousands of tourists who flock there every year. The Sant’Antnin Waste Treatment Plant is part of a network of facilities operated by WasteServ Malta Ltd. All of its facilities follow ‘green’ principles such as sustainable development, polluter pays and producer responsibility.

The power of rubbish

The Material Recovery Facility (MRF), opened in 2008, is now fully operational, processing selectively collected recyclables from households, such as glass, paper, metals and plastics. The MRF is just one of several components of the Sant’Antnin upgrade that by 2010 are expected to process and treat some 36 000 tonnes of dry recyclables every year.

Healthy digestion for positive energy

Sant’Antnin will also include a digestion plant to treat clean, biodegradable waste and recover energy from the biogas produced. This biogas facility can produce ‘green electricity’ and compost. The digestion plant will incorporate a number of modules to post-treat the digestate emerging from the digestion plant – the final aerobic stage will stabilise this digestate and create compost.

The new upgraded plant will therefore be producing compost after green energy is extracted from the waste. Odours will be eliminated, since the plant is fully enclosed. The Sant’Antnin Waste Treatment Plant includes the following facilities:

Mechanical Treatment Plant (MTP) where sorted/unsorted household waste will be received for pre-treatment and preparation for the digestion stage. Waste water treatment facility to treat impure process water generated by the digestion plant. Combined Heat and Power Plant (CHP), which will run on the biogas produced at Sant’Antnin and provide enough electrical power for 1 400 households of four persons each, on top of the heat required to run the plant. Regenerative Thermal Oxidiser (RTO) to treat gases and odours generated within the closed compartments before being released into the atmosphere. Waste acceptance station to collect data and control waste deposits.