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Combating epidemics thanks to experts and the local population

  • 10 April 2019

This project aims to reduce the impact of successive epidemics of vector-borne diseases affecting the Guiana Shield. Its approach enables the mobilisation of regional technical expertise while implementing local and community action.

The anti-vector REMPART project aims to reduce the impact of successive epidemics of vector-borne diseases affecting the populations of the Guiana Shield (French Guiana, Suriname and Guyana) through an approach combining the mobilisation of regional technical expertise and implementing actions at community level, that is to say within districts and villages.

Sendy Veerabadren, Project Manager

The name of the project, anti-vector REMPART, means Réseau d’Expertise et Mobilisation PARTicipative (Expertise Network and Participative Mobilisation) for the strengthening of vector control in the Guiana Shield.

The project aims to reduce the impact of successive epidemics of vector-borne diseases (dengue fever, chikungunya, Zika, etc.) which affect Guiana Shield populations through an approach combining the mobilisation of regional technical expertise and implementing actions at community level.

Exchanges of practices and methods

The project has enabled a mobilisation strategy for regional technical expertise and local implementation of operations to be drawn up and applied. It is therefore a matter of consulting widely with all authorities and stakeholders involved in vector control and prevention, across three territories of the Guiana Shield (French Guiana, Suriname and Guyana).

The Guiana Shield countries face the same challenges in terms of managing epidemics. The establishment of a regional network to exchange practices between institutions facilitates the sharing of methods and tools that have proven their worth on a transnational scale. This network took the form of an international meeting, gathering together institutions with recognised expertise in vector control. The project has also enabled the establishment of working groups.

In pursuit of behaviour change

The intervention at community level constitutes a vital component in vector control. It aims to change behaviours on a long-term basis to reduce the risks of epidemic transmission. In the three project territories, "relay volunteer" networks are mobilised and trained to disseminate the awareness-raising messages. The training focuses on epidemic control, first aid, community health and psychosocial support in an epidemic context.

A pilot mechanism, deployed in the three intervention territories, aims to establish a network of active "relay volunteers", the link in disseminating awareness-raising messages directly to communities, in an ongoing and sustainable manner, to gradually and sustainably promote individual behaviour change in terms of vector control.

The mechanism translates, in its initial phase in French Guiana, into the production of training modules seeking to support the pilot district of Kourou, from the creation of the relay volunteer network to its establishment and implementation.

This pilot mechanism is associated with a continuous evaluation and technical capitalisation approach in such a way as to define one or several methodological models that will be deployed on a larger scale in future projects. Brazil is an observing actor in this project for the time being.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the “Anti-vector Rempart (réseau d'expertise et mobilisation participative) for the strengthening of vector control” project is EUR 565 860, with the EU’s EDRF-ETC fund contributing EUR 415 860 through the “Interreg Amazonia cooperation programme” Operational Programme for the 2014-2020 programming period. The investment falls under the “Risk prevention” priority.