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Increasing renewable energy consumption in Central Europe

  • 22 May 2015

The Manergy project is establishing a way toward self-sufficient and sustainable energy.

The main problem is the lack and poor organisation of data on local energy consumption and energy production. A large part of the data comes from systems managed for different purposes, intended to handle the balancing of the electric grid (scheduling the production of middle and large scale power plants), tax issues (photovoltaic and wind), environmental (emissions), and security (large industrial plants). Each information system is organised according to the specific purpose, which is called upon to manage, and dispose of aggregate data on consumption and energy production is extremely difficult.

Antonio Zonta, head of Building and Housing Department at Province of Treviso

Central European countries are heavily dependent on outside energy sources. Manergy establishes a system for understanding energy consumption through transnational cooperation. The project works toward reducing Central Europe’s outside dependency for energy and increasing the use of renewable and sustainable energy sources.

The Kyoto protocol and the Europe 2020 strategy create a framework for reducing the fossil fuel energy mix in Central Europe, and Manergy helps implement these goals.

Establishing energy consumption

Central Europe is a mixture of energy suppliers and sources. Manergy works to help leaders and energy providers understand energy consumption on a regional basis, so that countries can better plan and promote sustainable energy consumption.

Manergy is creating a central storehouse of energy information. The data is collected and transmitted to counties and decision makers in Central Europe. With this information, policy makers and energy providers can make better decisions about energy usage.

Manergy takes part in regional conferences and discusses the challenge of reducing CO2 emissions in Central Europe. The project also works with media outlets and other organisations to encourage local populations to reduce fossil fuel consumption and increase the use of alternative energy.

Total Investment and EU funding

Total investment for Manergy is EUR 1 167 525, of which the EU’s European Regional Development Fund contributed EUR 930 709 from the Operational Programme “Central Europe” for the 2007 to 2013 programming period.