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Improvements to water and sewerage networks in Romania’s Brașov County

  • 15 April 2024

In Brașov County, Romania, water supply networks in 15 localities and wastewater networks in 12 localities are being upgraded with EU funding. The project complements several previous EU-funded and national projects in the region.

Work on water supply will increase the share of the area’s more than 353 000 inhabitants with access to drinking water that meets EU standards from 30.49 % to 100 %. That on wastewater networks will increase the proportion of the area’s wastewater treated in accordance with EU requirements from 91.4 % to 100 %.

The project is phased as follows: Phase 1 (subject to the current application) co-financed by the Large Infrastructure Operational Programme 2014–2020; and Phase 2, to be co-financed under the Sustainable Development Programme 2021–2027, which is planned to be finalised by the end of 2024. Total investment for both phases is EUR 283.4 million. Phase 1 has a total eligible investment of EUR 15.2 million and includes an EU contribution of EUR 12.9 million.

Better infrastructure and equipment

Among the deficiencies in local water supply networks are poor water quality at source, inefficiency of treatment processes needed to bring drinking water into line with EU standards, old infrastructure in poor condition, and insufficient capacity.

Investments in supply networks entail the expansion of six pumping stations, four chlorination stations and two reservoirs and the laying of 106 km of distribution network and 26 km of mains pipeline. One water source, one treatment plant, one pumping station, three reservoirs and four water towers will be rehabilitated, as will 173 km of distribution network and 18 km of main pipeline.

Wastewater infrastructure shortcomings include insufficient coverage, poorly functioning treatment plants and pumping stations, and worn out and damaged pipes. Levels of infiltration into sewers are high, domestic sewage is regularly discharged into the environment untreated, and a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system is needed.

Improvements to wastewater collection and treatment systems involve laying 139 km of sewerage network and 33 km of discharge pipe, rehabilitation of 58 km of sewerage network, extension of 63 sewage pumping stations and development of a thermal sludge drying plant.

The regional SCADA system will be extended and smart water meters will be fitted. Equipment will also be acquired for sewer cleaning, transport and repair work, detection of water losses, transport of sludge, video inspection, and aerial mapping.

Safe drinking water and sanitation

Proper treatment of wastewater will improve the quality of effluent, while rehabilitation of sewerage networks will reduce infiltration into sewers by about 27 % and prevent leakage from sewers. Together, these elements will prevent contamination of soil, surface water and groundwater and protect drinking water sources. Reductions in losses from water supply systems will also help to conserve water resources.

Provision of a continuous supply of safe drinking water will lower the risk of disease and have a significant positive impact on public health. Development of a centralised SCADA system will strengthen intervention capacity in the event of damage to the networks, boosting their operational safety. In addition, the work will ensure adequate sludge management.

The project will create 1 500 temporary jobs during implementation. Increased access to safe water and sanitation services should attract private investment and tourism to Brașov County. Lower levels of pollution will enhance biodiversity, fostering development of leisure activities, irrigated agriculture and riverside trade. This is expected to result in further job creation and generate additional income for local budgets, which can be used to raise living standards.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “Regional project to develop water and wastewater infrastructure in Brașov County” is EUR 283 426 468, with the EU’s Cohesion Fund contributing EUR 12 937 985 through the “Large Infrastructure” Operational Programme for the 2014-2020 programming period. The investment falls under the priority “Development of environmental infrastructure based on efficient resource management”.