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Improvements made to the railway line between Coşlariu and Simeria, Romania

  • 20 December 2017

The second phase of a project to improve a section of railway between the town of Simeria in Romania’s Centre development region and the village of Coşlariu in the West development region has been launched with EU funding. The section forms part of the line linking Simeria with the city of Brașov.

The double-track railway on which the work takes place is around 74.4 km long. The upgrades will increase maximum speeds on the track to 160 km/h for passenger trains and 120 km/h for freight trains.

In order to ensure interoperability with railway networks in other European countries, the project includes the introduction of level two signalling technology for the operation of the European Rail Traffic Management System’s (ERTMS) European Train Control System.

No more need for track-side signalling

At level two, ERTMS cuts out the need for track-side signalling by using GSM technology to send authority to move the train and descriptions of the track ahead from transponders placed between the rails to the driver in the train cab. This ensures that the cab display unit is always up to date.

The raising of the maximum speed for passenger trains ensures that the line adheres to the parameters laid down under the 1985 European Agreement on Main International Railway Lines. The agreement defines a network of railway lines of major international importance, together with the parameters for infrastructure on these routes so as to support the development of a homogeneous and interoperable European railway system.

The increase in the maximum speed for freight traffic brings the railway into conformity with the European Agreement on Important International Combined Transport Lines and Related Installations (AGTC) of 1991. The AGTC establishes infrastructure standards and prescribes performance parameters for improving the efficiency of combined road and rail transport.

Increasing railway market share

Thanks to the upgrades, the railways will be in a position to increase their market share of passenger traffic, as well as improving safety and comfort levels and shortening journey times. Provision of higher-quality and faster service based on modern European infrastructural standards should do likewise as regards the market share of freight traffic by helping to make the railways a more attractive and competitive option, particularly as compared with road transport.

The main beneficiaries will be rail passengers, freight operators and public services in the area. The population and businesses in the Centre and West development regions, and in particular in Alba and Hunedoara counties where Coşlariu and Simeria are situated, will also benefit from improved accessibility. As the section is part of an international corridor within the Trans-European Transport Network, the project will generate additional wider benefits for Romania and Europe as a whole.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “Rehabilitation of the railway line Brasov - Simeria, component of the IV Pan-European Corridor, for trains circulation with a maximum speed of 160 km/h, section Coslariu - Simeria Phase II” is EUR 414 483 114, with the EU’s Cohesion Fund contributing EUR 198 223 890 through the “Large Infrastructure” Operational Programme for the 2014-2020 programming period.