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Greece, North Macedonia develop digital tool to monitor air quality

  • 18 June 2020

A project in the cross-border area of Greece and North Macedonia is developing an ICT application which combines air quality monitoring with information on human health and the environment. The aim of TRAP is to inform the general public and authorities about air quality issues. The data generated through the application can be used to shape policy to tackle pollution and its impact on local communities. The project works with health experts to raise awareness about public health issues related to air quality.

Air pollution knows no borders. The strategic objective of the TRAP project is the creation of an ICT application integrating air quality monitoring with health impact indexes in the cross-border area, easily approachable and understandable to the general public.

Theodoros Stavrakas, Communications Manager, Environmental Centre of Western Macedonia

Transboundary Air Pollution Health Index Development and Implementation (TRAP) is being rolled out in the municipalities of Florina and Thessaloniki, Greece and the municipalities of Gevgelija and Bitola in North Macedonia.

New monitoring stations

A key objective is to strengthen the existing air quality monitoring network in both countries with three new monitoring stations and an upgraded existing facility. The project team works to develop public health indexes to assess how air quality affects people and the environment.

TRAP’s digital tool for real-time air quality monitoring is able to alert officials and the public about pollution. Accurate measurements and details about exceeding pollution limits are made available through the new tool. The information provided will help authorities to take action to protect public health.

Pollutants that can be monitored include particulates PM2.5 and PM10, harmful gases such as ozone, various nitrogen oxides, sulphur dioxide and carbon monoxide. The ICT application is expected to be fully operational within the monitoring stations from April 2020. TRAP is creating communication protocols which link the monitoring stations with system administration and a map interface.

User-friendly data

In addition, epidemiological indicators and indicators of air quality – based on the effects of air pollution on human health – are calculated and displayed on the web in a user-friendly colored scale to make it easy for members of the public to understand.

In collaboration with air quality and health experts, TRAP ran an awareness-raising campaign aimed at the general public and groups vulnerable to air pollution. A number of expert workshops have taken place through the project. School children were taken on educational visits to air quality monitoring stations.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “TRAP: Transboundary Air Pollution Health Index Development and Implementation” is EUR 969 331, with the EU’s European Regional Development Fund contributing EUR 823 931 through the “IPA CBC Greece – Republic of North Macedonia” Operational Programme for the 2014-2020 programming period. The investment falls under the priority “Protection of Environment - Transportation”.