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Flood bank scheme delivers added protection to the Polish city of Dębica

  • 19 November 2019

Around 4.4 km of flood embankments have been built or modernised along the right bank of the Wisloka river in Poland’s Podkarpackie region. The project was designed to protect lives and residential, commercial and public property in the city of Dębica and the nearby village of Kędzierz. The work promises to prevent degradation of the local environment caused by flood waters.

The implementation of the investment increased the sense of security of residents living in areas that suffered as a result of the catastrophic flood in 2010. New embankments and modernisation of existing ones will ensure better flood protection. In my opinion, the investment was not easy, because its location in residential areas was connected with a number of works performed in coordination with other institutions. The investment will result in the development of the city of Dębica and I and my family feel much safer now.

Stanisław Sowiźra, resident of Dębica

About 2 km of flood embankments were constructed, while around 2.4 km of existing embankments were upgraded and expanded. The project included the construction of related infrastructure, namely a lock, two dikes and a flood road with 11 crossings.

The flood protection infrastructure is expected to help increase the resilience of Dębica and Kędzierz to the effects of adverse climate changes that are becoming more frequent. In particular, the project ensures the protection of local properties and 241 inhabitants, technical infrastructure, public facilities and enterprises.

Eliminating threats

Flood banks were built or revamped at five locations along the river. The goal is to minimise or prevent flooding in an area that has experienced significant problems in the past. In 2010, heavy flooding caused much damage and disruption.

Much of the project is located in urban areas, which means the related infrastructure plays a key role in the scheme. For example, the crossings and flood road will help the authorities coordinate an efficient response to any new threat caused by rising river levels.

Flood strategy

All the work delivered through the project is in line with requirements laid down in the Polish government’s key water management document: ‘Poland’s Flood Management Plan for the Upper Vistula River’, which was adopted in October 2016.


Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “Flood protection of floodplains located on the right bank of the Wisłoka river in km 50 + 500 - 57 + 800 in Dębica and Kędzierz, Podkarpackie Voivodeship” is EUR 3 344 248 (PLN 14 259 527), with the EU’s European Regional Development Fund contributing EUR 1 390 253 (PLN 5 927 896) through the “Podkarpackie” Operational Programme for the 2014-2020 programming period. The investment falls under the priority “Environment and Resource Efficiency”.