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Facilitate management of bike parking facilities to encourage smooth travel in the Brussels Region

  • 14 August 2019

The CycloParking project consists of creating a regional management platform to develop a network of covered and secure bicycle parking lots. It thereby looks to promote soft and sustainable travel in the Brussels Region.

In partnership with local and regional public authorities, CycloParking has developed an innovative IT ecosystem to centrally manage secure bicycle parking in the Brussels Region. The platform facilitates the transparent management of a large number of car parks and users (subscribers or people waiting for a parking space).

Marie Verkaeren, CycloParking Coordinator

The project aims to make cycling more accessible to Brussels residents, while developing new socio-professional integration programmes in the region.

The first objective is to provide cyclists with more secure bicycle parking spaces. The second is to make the subscription procedures for these secure car parks simpler and more efficient in order to manage a large number of parking spaces, and to harmonise prices and subscription procedures for the entire region.

Remote subscription and lock management

The project was made possible thanks to the creation of partnerships with local (15 of the 19 municipalities in the region) and regional (Brussels Mobility and public authorities. It has enabled the gradual phasing in of management of all secure public bicycle parking facilities and implementation of an information and support service for users. Currently, 287 car parks and 1,581 subscribers are involved.

Then, an IT ecosystem including a web platform, a subscription management tool, and the online centralised management of specific locks was created. This remote lock management system has been set up to manage access to large car parks and 50 small bicycle box-type parking spaces.

Bicycle parking consultancy services

CycloParking also advises municipalities, regions, and Via the platform's interactive map, the team precisely, objectively and accurately assesses demand for new car park sites and the search for alternative solutions (company car parks, garages, urban wastelands or unoccupied premises) and finally, justifies the necessary investments. This bicycle parking advisory service makes it possible to analyse the supply and demand for secure parking devices and appropriate solutions, and thus to map out the needs for secure bicycle parking.

Finally, CycloParking has developed a socio-professional integration programme for the care and maintenance of parking spaces, where travel is carried out exclusively by bicycle. Currently, nine jobs have come about directly from the project, including four in socio-professional integration.

This project strongly supports the cycling community of the Brussels Region in its daily cycling routines. The implementation of the project has encouraged local authorities to invest in bicycle parking infrastructure. The partnership between the CyCLO association and public authorities for the realisation of a public service project is also a source of inspiration for other Belgian and European cities.

Total investment and European funding

Total investment for the ‘CycloParking’ project was EUR 2 135 771; the European Regional Development Fund contributed EUR 1 067 885 through the ‘ERDF PO Brussels Capital Region/ EFRO OP Brussel Hoofdstedelijk Gewest’ operational programme for the 2014-2020 programming period. The investment is part of the ’Energy Union and Climate’ and ’Jobs, Growth and Investment’ priorities.