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EU-funded project creates Green and Blue Axis in Lisbon, Portugal

  • 04 February 2020

The EU-funded Jamor River Green and Blue Axis project revitalised the watercourse and integrated its ecosystem with the urban environment in the Lisbon metropolitan area. This created spaces for leisure and recreation, benefiting locals and making it more attractive to tourists.

The intercity project connected a further three municipalities in the Lisbon metropolitan area (Sintra, Oeiras and Amadora). The local communities benefited greatly from this beautification project.

Basílio Horta, Mayor of Sintra

The project promoted both cultural and natural heritage by enhancing disused spaces and providing better infrastructure for cultural activities and sports events. This significantly improved the local population’s quality of life, and improved tourists’ access to the area. 

Part of the project was focused on the Sintra municipality. Here, a large, continuous green space, stretching across to the neighbouring municipalities of Amadora and Oeiras was created. The green space by the waterfront is now as large as the local natural Monsanto forest park.

Better mobility 

The project improved transport and mobility by using the water systems to connect urban centres. Cycling routes and the walking trails created under the project have become popular. The public’s increased use of the Jamor River’s banks prevents illegal garbage disposal, which was common in the past. There are also communal gardens.

The green areas in the city of Queluz, in the Sintra municipality, have improved remarkably. They are now better connected with the historical Queluz Palace, a royal summer castle with gardens, greenhouses and former royal hunting grounds. Due to less traffic and better rail connections, the area’s recreational value has been enhanced, benefitting tourism.


The regeneration of underutilised urban areas has long been a priority in the region, given the benefits for the environment and residents. Improved water quality and biodiversity in the river and its tributaries are another of the project’s benefits.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “Eixo Verde e Azul do Rio Jamor” is EUR 1 739 628, with the EU’s European Regional Development Fund contributing EUR 869 814 through the “Programa Operacional Regional de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo” Operational Programme for the 2014-2020 programming period. The investment falls under the priority “Sustainable urban development”.