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Ensuring safe drinking water and modern sewerage systems in Vrancea county

  • 22 April 2013

The modernisation and extension of the drinking water and sewerage systems in six areas in Romania will benefit almost 160 000 people.

A four-year project is bringing wastewater collection and infrastructure up-to-date and providing all inhabitants in six towns, cities and villages in Southern Romania (Focşani, Panciu, Adjud, Odobeşti, Mărăşeşti and Homocea) with access to safe drinking water.

This represents connecting over 33 000 people to the drinking water supply and over 66 000 to the sewerage system.

Bringing in line with EU-wide standards

Thanks to this project, drinking water distribution networks are being extended by 65 km and an existing 97 km modernised. A further 40 km of networks to collect water is being brought into service.

In addition, some 27 water wells, 5 tanks, 4 laboratories and 4 pumping stations are being renovated or built.

Sewerage networks are being extended by 154 km and an existing 37 km modernised. Some 17 wastewater pumping stations and 5 treatment plants are also under construction or in the process of being renovated.

This work, due to be completed in 2014, is ensuring that the local population has water and sanitation systems in line with EU water quality requirements and is concretely improving the daily lives of the region’s inhabitants.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “"Reabilitarea şi modernizarea sistemului de alimentare cu apă şi canalizare în judeţul Vrancea" ("Rehabilitation and modernization of the water and wastewater supply systems in Vrancea county") is EUR 97 484 764, with the EU's European Regional Development Fund contributing EUR 82 862 049. The project is funded through the priority axis “Extension and modernization of water and wastewater systems” of the Operational Programme “Environment” for the 2007-2013 programming period.