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Energetics tests new materials for storing and using alternative energy

  • 25 November 2015

The Energetics project has tested selected materials and technologies in order to develop new ways of storing and using alternative energy. This has led to creation of technology for nanostructured superconductors for energy storage, bio-batteries using renewable biological products, energy-efficient preparation of grain-based transformer steel and a transformer using magnetic fluid for cooling and insulation.

The project resulted in essential improvements to the experimental basis of the Centre for Materials Research, including the academic research institutes (the Institute of Experimental Physics and the Institute of Materials Research) and universities (the Technical University and P.J. Safarik University) in Košice, for further research on progressive materials and technologies for energetics and in new connections with industrial partners who can be involved in applications.

Pavel Diko, Institute of Experimental Physics

Development of nanostructured superconductor technology for storing energy entailed setting up of infrastructure for preparation and characterisation of superconductors and research of influences on superconductor properties. This led to development of superconductors with improved properties. The results were patented and disseminated through international conference contributions and scientific journal publications and preparations were made for putting them into practice.

Batteries using renewable material

Bio-battery development involved building of laboratory infrastructure, research of stability and functions of electron transport proteins and biomaterial and development of technology for preparation of electrodes for use in bio-batteries. Prototypes were based on renewable resources such as glucose.

Production of transformer steels required infrastructure for magnetic characterisation of the steels and research of grain growth during interaction with nanoparticles. Energy-efficient preparation of grain-based steels and optimisation of their magnetic properties was then possible. The results were patented, disseminated by journal contributions and two conference presentations and implemented. They will cut material and energy costs of transformer steel production.

Cooling and insulation using magnetic fluid in transformers entailed creation of infrastructure for preparation and characterisation of the fluids and development and testing of fluid with the desired properties in a specially designed transformer. This was then compared with a transformer filled with transformer oil. The result is a transformer with improved operational parameters and longer life.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “New materials and technologies for energetics” is EUR 3 218 062, of which the EU’s European Regional Development Fund is contributing EUR 3 218 062 from the Operational Programme “Research and Development” for the 2007 to 2013 programming period.