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EcoMedia: supporting environmentally friendly services through green advertising

  • 29 March 2021

A Lithuanian digital marketing agency has developed environmentally friendly, energy efficient outdoor billboards. Two prototypes are currently in operation and serve as examples of how the advertising sector can reduce its carbon footprint. One is in Šiauliai, the country’s fourth-largest city, and the other one in Klaipeda, which has the country’s most important harbour.

Compared with standard billboards, the ECO Media billboards are 65 % more efficient and rely on substantially less harmful construction materials. They were developed by local companies. Knowing this, people show a positive attitude towards these billboards and support the message of green energy and ecology in their everyday life, values which our ECO Media project stands for.

Viktoras Tolvaisa, General Manager, Owexx

With the help of the ERDF, Owexx made the ECO Media billboards using substantially less harmful raw materials. The LED screens are more energy efficent and are powered by solar panels . During development, the company was able to obtain higher quality solar batteries than anticipated, but still within the budget.

Supporting local businesses

The ‘green’ billboards were designed, built and installed by local companies, contributing to the prosperity of the region. In the long run, the proposed advertising services are expected to have a positive impact on local businesses.

Aside from a potential increase in turnover and number of customers, local businesses that rely on environmentally friendly advertising show their commitment to environmentally friendly services by association.

Informing the public

The billboards broadcast video clips that inform the public of its environmentally friendly features. They show videos promoting a healthy lifestyle, such as infomercials from, a website that educates people about the composition of their food and any harmful substances or chemicals it might contain.

The concept is intended to be transferrable to other cities and countries. Owexx has developed a plan to promote the project for the next three years. The aim is to create a network of green ECO Media billboards nationwide, contributing to Lithuania’s goals of increasing energy efficiency, reducing pollution and the use of harmful raw materials.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “Creation of EcoMedia Billboards by Implementing Technological Eco-Innovations” is EUR 168 864, with the EU’s European Regional Development Fund contributing EUR 75 989 through the “EU Structural Funds Investments” Operational Programme for the 2014-2020 programming period. The investment falls under the priority “supporting the shift towards a low-carbon economy in all sectors”.