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Digital strategies for SMEs target growth in southern Denmark

  • 29 July 2020

More than 80 SMEs in southern Denmark are receiving tailored support to develop effective digital business strategies. The Digital Conversion-Growth Plans project provides expertise and co-financing to help these companies improve their presence online, grow their businesses, break into new markets and create jobs. The SMEs undertake a three- to nine-month programme of activities with a consultant of their choice as they get a complete digital makeover.

The programme is an obvious opportunity to join the digital front and create new competition and growth opportunities for the SME segment in Southern Denmark.

Project manager Tanja Erendal, Erhvervshus Fyn

The project offers a flexible approach that respects the needs of each individual business and its growth potential. The focus could be on developing a complete digital business model, a digital marketing plan or a plan for intelligent production. By working with the consultants, participating companies have, for example, developed new and impactful websites, created e-commerce facilities and boosted their social media presence.

As of January 2020, 58 companies had gone through the programme, each of which received a co-financing grant of up to EUR 14 425 to help realise their digital ambitions. In total, the project is expected to create around 160 new jobs, grow turnover by EUR 21.1 million and create new exports worth EUR 12.85 million.

Breaking into new markets

Through the project, a health and dietary supplement manufacturer based in West Funen has developed a strategy to improve its digital presence in national and overseas markets, particularly Germany and Norway. The company now has an search engine optimised web platform which attracted 35 000 visitors in three months, doubling the previous rate. Additionally, the company now has a social media strategy to target potential customers in Germany and Norway.

Meanwhile, a hydraulics company based in Odense expanded its clientele and boosted exports. A digital strategy paved the way for the development of a new digital platform which makes company’s products and services visible to customers online. This has helped the company reduce its reliance on the traditional mail and phone order system.

Building confidence

As well as helping to fulfil digital ambitions, the project is building confidence in the participating SMEs. For example, an agricultural equipment manufacturer did not have the skills or experience to develop its own digital profile. This Aabenraa-based business now has a web shop which has gone live nationally and in countries targeted for an expert push – Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom.

Digital Conversion is managed by business management consultant Erhvervshus Fyn in Odense. The project partnership also includes Erhvervshus Sydjylland in Vojens.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “Digital Conversion-Growth Plans” is EUR 5 326 174 with the EU’s European Regional Development Fund contributing EUR 2 481 860 through the “Innovation and Sustainable Growth in Businesses” Operational Programme for the 2014-2020 programming period. The investment falls under the priority “SMEs competitiveness”.