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Developing an eco-economy network between France and Spain

  • 01 February 2016

The ENECO 2 project aims firstly to promote eco-innovation to SMEs in five regions across France and Spain, and secondly to establish a dynamic cross-border eco-economy that contributes to the sustainable competitiveness of these companies and partner regions.

Having been part of the ENECO2 project has allowed us to integrate an eco-innovation element to all departments of the Centro Deportivo Termal FUENTELAVERO. In addition to perform an eco-innovation diagnosis, we have received training and have participated in interesting cross-border cooperation events. All of this has led us to plan several actions for improvement, starting with the calculation of our environmental impact through the carbon footprint, which is a reference to guide current and future actions.

Íñigo García, Director of Centro Deportivo Termal FUENTELAVERO (an entity from La Rioja, Spain which has been managed by ADER – Agencia de Desarrollo Económico de la Rioja, under the ENECO 2 project

New tools for SMEs

Through various project activities a cross-border platform ( was developed. It comprises, among other things, a map of more than 150 eco-innovative companies that are geotagged and presented by way of factsheets for each company. The platform was also designed as a tool for exchanging contacts and know-how between companies active in the eco-economy. In addition, cross-border meetings were organised to promote trade and exchange best practices in the fields of eco-economy and eco-innovation.SMEs and regional officials were made aware of the different themes and issues relating to eco-economy and eco-innovation thanks to more than 51 forums organised across five regions. Furthermore, 99 SMEs received support to help their progress towards becoming competitively sustainable eco-innovative companies.

Paving the way for future projects

The ENECO 2 project has set up working methods between partners that will continue even after the project has come to an end. The cross-border network and the digital platform created in the five regions involved will continue to develop without the need for further funding. This and previous projects in the regions have paved the way for future projects that will go beyond the diagnostic phase and directly address strategic productive sectors on both sides of the Pyrenees. 

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “ENECO 2” is EUR 1 294 239, of which the EU’s European Regional Development Fund is contributing EUR 841 255 from the Operational Programme “France - Spain - Andorra” for the 2007 to 2013 programming period.