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Construction of missing link to S5 expressway to fill key gap in Poland’s road network

  • 30 March 2017

An EU-funded project is constructing a 48 km section of Poland’s S5 carriageway that connects Korzeńsko, Wrocław and Widawa. By increasing accessibility to inter-regional connections, the new dual expressway will help to eliminate bottlenecks to international and regional transport. 

The project involves the design and construction of an expressway on the S5 Poznań – Wrocław on the section connecting Korzeńsko, Wrocław and Widawa. It includes the construction of a 48 km section of new dual carriageway with two lanes running in each direction, six new road junctions (located in Żmigródek, Żmigród, Krościn, Prusice, Trzebnica, Kryniczno), several viaducts and bridges, and four roadside service and passenger areas (located in Morzęcino East, Morzęcino West, Wisznia Mała East, Wisznia Mała West). 

Planning for the future

The upgraded section of road, which is located in the province of Lower Silesia, starts in the municipality of Żmigród and runs through Prusice, Trzebnica and Wisznia Mała before ending in Wrocław. In addition to the dual carriageway and structures, the project plan also calls for the construction of several crossing structures that allow migrating animals to safely cross the expressway. 

Taking into account projected increases in traffic in the mid to near future, the project has also reserved 12 metres of land on both sides of the road where a third lane running in both directions can be added. To accommodate this future third lane, all structures and service areas are being built as if the third lane already exists, thus avoiding any need to demolish and rebuild structures to enlarge the road. 

The project will take specific protective measures to reduce the negative impact the road’s new infrastructure could have on the surrounding environment.

A direct link

When complete, the S5 expressway will connect Wrocław with Poznan, providing a direct link between southwest Poland and the port city of Gdansk via a junction with the A1 motorway. With the new expressway in place, travel time across Poland will be significantly reduced – which could help to boost tourism and increase economic activity around the entire S5 corridor. 

As the S5 is connected with the A2 and A4 motorways, it will connect the Lower Silesia province with the national road system of the Wielkopolska Region and northern Poland. With better connections to both Poland and the surrounding region in general, project planners expect to see the creation of new businesses, industry and jobs – especially along the Widawa Node of the S5 Express Road.

Poland’s S5 is an important part of Europe’s core TEN-T road network. The upgrade of this national road to expressway status is in line with forecasted traffic levels. As the urban areas served by the road continue to grow, traffic levels are projected to increase. Without the additional lanes, exits, structures and service centres, significant bottlenecks would form along this stretch, with negative consequences to the environment and to regional development. 

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “Construction of S5 Express Road: Section Korzensko – Wrocław (Widawa Node)” is EUR 460 777 981, with the EU’s Cohesion Fund contributing EUR 219 411 074 through the “Infrastructure and Environment” Operational Programme for the 2014-2020 programming period. The investment falls under the priority “Development of TEN-T road network and multimodal transport”.