en English

Boosting the economic and social e-inclusion of the growing over 65 group

  • 22 May 2015

Investment scheme enables the ageing European population to stay active participants in today's Europe thanks to iAge and increased use of ICT.

A telecare video phone was installed even in a 98 year-old lady’s home. We have consciously chosen a proven and tested system, recognisable, affordable and reliable. It was striking though that there is still a prejudice if elderly people are not on-line. But that is nonsense. Many senior citizens have a computer or iPad. There are people who are a bit hesitant and say; ‘I cannot do that’, but thanks to the touchscreen it’s a piece of cake.

Gert Brouwer, home care manager from care provider Oosterlengte

By 2030, the number of people aged 65 or more in Europe will have increased by over 50 %, resulting in a significant impact on pensions, health care, the labour market and the sustainability of communities. At the same time, today's senior people are healthier, more mobile, qualified, IT-skilled and have greater purchasing power than any generation before. The North Sea Region can benefit from this potential, and develop dynamic and successful communities. Transnational activities and joint analyses in the iAge project lead to positive achievements towards the Europe 2020 objectives for innovation and employment.

Thanks to the project iAge, a myriad of relevant regional and transnational activities were created around the theme of e-inclusion of the elderly. Research is being carried out on various interesting subjects relating to labour market issues and independent living, tools and apps are developed in close cooperation with end-users, factsheets and guidelines about learning are processed, and the design of the toolbox is ready. Transnational exchange was secured by the production of presentations, reports and newsletters.

Helping unemployed seniors start up their own business

The iAge partners carried out research and pilots, peer reviewed activities and disseminated the results.

The iAge partnership focused on labour market participation through ICT, including volunteering, self-employment, and gradual retirement.

For example, the Wirtschaftsakademie Schleswig-Holstein (WAK in Kiel) introduced Runpat-software into the partnership to stimulate elderly to build their own businesses. In cooperation with the regional job centres, where unemployed participants between 55 and 64 took part in individual mentoring to build up their own business, the Runpat software was tested and evaluated by participants and mentors. The software is used to develop smarter business models, and is now also available in English within the partnership for further transnational testing and evaluation.

Total investment and EU funding

The total investment for the “iAge: e-inclusion in Ageing Europe” project is EUR 2 543 878, of which the EU’s European Regional Development Fund is contributing EUR 1 271 939 from the Operational Programme “North Sea Region” for the 2007 to 2013 programming period.