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Boosting cross-border tourism in the Oder River Valley

  • 29 January 2016

An ERDF-funded project has helped to revitalise towns and ports along the Oder River on the border of Poland and Germany, boosting tourism and the cultural attractiveness of the region. 

This project implements the ambitious goal of boosting tourism in the Odra River.

Beata Kulczycka, Head of European Integration and Promotion Department

The Oder River valley forms a unique and precious ecosystem. In 2007, ten Polish and German municipalities jointly made the decision to prepare a cross-border project with the aim of revitalising destinations along the river and making the region more attractive to water-based tourism. This in turn would help to stimulate economic growth in the area and help forge a stronger regional identity on both sides of the border. 

Restoring border towns 

In order to achieve this goal, the project carried out construction and restoration works in four towns: on the Polish side, these included Bytom Odrzański, Nowa Sól and Cigacice; and on the German side, Frankfurt (Oder). Two tourist boats – Zefir and Laguna – were built, and have since started operating between the ports of these four towns, in addition to other towns dotted along the river. 

These regular seasonal tourist boat excursions led to further development of tourist services in the area. The project has also enhanced the attractiveness of the region, and contributed to the region’s promotion across Poland, Germany and other countries in Europe. 

Connecting citizens 

As a result of this work, the Oder River, which divides the two countries, is no longer seen as a barrier but as a means of connection between towns and their inhabitants on both sides of the border. New infrastructure for developing inland navigation and water-based tourism has helped the river to regain its important role in the Central European Transport Corridor. 

Boosting regional identity 

The Middle Oder Valley Route has become a trademark of the Lubuskie Region, and the revitalisation of marinas and ports along this route has contributed to economic and cross-border development. In addition, the project has helped to boost a revival of regional wine-making traditions; the Lubuskie Honey and Wine route runs along the Oder valley. 

In this way, the Oder links not only towns but also citizens who more and more identify themselves with the valley, and are proud of the fact they live in this cross-border region. 

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “The Odra River for tourists 2014 – development of water tourism within the cross-border area of the Middle Odra River Valley – Phase II” is EUR 6 670 326, of which the EU’s European Regional Development Fund is contributing EUR 5 092 763 from the Operational Programme “Lubuskie” for the 2007 to 2013 programming period.