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Better flood protection for Sandomierz, Poland benefits the environment and local economy

  • 31 May 2022

An EU-funded project has improved flood protection in and around Sandomierz, in Poland’s Świętokrzyskie region. Situated on the Vistula, the country’s longest river, and with other watercourses nearby, the city has been flooded in the past, most recently in 2010. By improving drainage of the Vistula and Trześniówka rivers and securing the Koprzywianka river valley against flooding, the measures better protect some 20 000 residents and 11 km² of land. They also benefit the environment and the local economy.

“The 2010 flood was the impetus for classifying activities such as the construction of this pumping station as urgent. They are a priority for Polish Waters.”

Krzysztof Woś, Vice-President, Polish Waters

The investment in Sandomierz is part of the nationwide project “The Odra-Vistula Flood Management Project” financed by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank), the Council of Europe Development Bank, the Cohesion Fund under the Infrastructure and Environment Operational Programme 2014–2020, and the state budget.

The project was composed of six tasks. One of them involved flood protection measures in the Atramentówka river estuary, construction of a new pumping station and gravity lock at Koćmierzów and digging of a 1.2 km channel to carry water from the Atramentówka to the Koćmierzów pumping station.

Under another task, the slopes and bed of the Struga A stream were reinforced, the stream was dredged and the Nadbrzezie pumping station was expanded. Two further tasks involved construction of the water pumping station at Szewce and expanding the Zajeziorze pumping station.

An embankment protecting a glass factory and a housing estate in Sandomierz was raised, another embankment on the right bank of the Vistula was extended to join with the embankment at Koćmierzów, and flood gates were installed to protect the port. Finally, around 27 km of embankment along the Koprzywianka river was strengthened.

Effective drainage

Work on the Atramentówka pumping station created an alternative drainage route to the Vistula, via the Koćmierzów pumping station, for when water flows are high or drainage through existing mechanisms is impossible. Further infrastructure developed under the task includes a 0.35 hectare detention basin at the pumping station.

Measures on the Struga A, a left tributary of the Trześniówka, have improved protection of floodplains within the catchment area of the stream and surrounding residential areas. The expanded Nadbrzezie pumping station ensures effective drainage in the event of sustained high water levels on the Trześniówka.

Stronger embankments

Reinforcement of the embankments along the Vistula and around the glass factory and housing estate will help maintain transport connections during extreme weather. Strengthening of the embankments along the Koprzywianka prevents flooding of adjacent streams.

The Szewce and Zajeziorze pumping stations, which are on the left and right banks, respectively, of the Koprzywianka, improve drainage from floodplains and agricultural areas on both sides of the river. All pumping stations built or modernised under the project can be controlled remotely.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “Flood Protection of Sandomierz” is EUR 43 350 916, with the EU’s Cohesion Fund contributing EUR 36 848 279 through the “Infrastructure and Environment” Operational Programme for the 2014-2020 programming period. The investment falls under the priority “Climate change adaptation, risk prevention and management and environmental protection”.