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A symbolic promenade across the Polish and German border

  • 22 May 2015

After works lasting some 10 months, August 2011 saw the energy efficient Europapromenade being officially unveiled to the public. The popular boardwalk, which is a symbol of unification between Germany and Poland, has attracted a myriad of tourists and new businesses to the region.

The Europapromenade encapsulates the guiding idea of the European Union of connecting a joint Europe and overcoming borders. This Promenade is an outstanding example of recent German-Polish relations and showcases the joint engagement between the Mecklenburg-Pomerania and the Wojwodship Western Pomerania regions.

Dr. Stefan Rudolph

Located on the former border between the two countries, the Europapromenade is officially the longest coastal pedestrian and cycle path in Europe. It runs from the German seaside resort of Ahlbeck to the Polish town of Swinoujscie and passes through three imperial spas from Prussian times: Bansin, Heringsdorf and Ahlbeck. The promenade has a total length of 12 km.

Symbol of unity

A steel band runs along the middle of the entire promenade and marks the point where the previous border between Germany and Poland stood. A steel arch has also been constructed and is a symbol of unity between the two nations. It has also become a meeting place for the thousands of tourists that take the route during the summer months.

Toilets and rest areas have been built in strategic areas along the promenade. Renewable energy is a prominent feature with various solar panels placed along the route. The energy produced from these panels is used to light the entire promenade as well as the newly constructed rest areas and bathrooms. Photovoltaic systems and electric vehicles are also foreseen.

Sustainable tourism

Europapromende has helped attract sustainable tourism to the region. According to the lead partner, “an immense boost in tourist-numbers has been recorded, especially in July and August”. And due to its popularity, various restaurants and hotels have set up shop, which is good news for the region's economy. The stretch is also 100 % accessible for people with disabilities, including the visually impaired.

Europapromenade is part of the Eurovelo bicycle route - a network of long-distance cycling routes criss-crossing Europe. 62 jobs have been created as a result of the project.

During the official opening ceremony of the Europapromenade in August 2011, State Secretary of the Ministry of Economics, Construction and Tourism Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Dr. Stefan Rudolph, emphasised the significance of the project for the region:

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project extension of the “Cross-border promenade between Świnoujście and Heringsdorf” project is EUR 3 961 166, of which the EU’s European Regional Development Fund is contributing EUR 2 843 461 from the Operational Programme “Poland – Germany” for the 2007 to 2013 programming period.