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A new system of cycle paths for Lake Fertő

  • 13 January 2016

Known for its outstanding natural beauty and listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site since 1979, the Fertő/Neusiedler lake region is one of Hungary’s top tourist attractions. An ERDF-funded project has upgraded the region’s bicycle trails, attracting even more visitors.

As lead partner, the Directorate of Fertő-Hanság National Park managed this project, while working closely with nine local authorities. This close cooperation is a prime example of joint regional development.

Attila Fersch - Head of Project co-ordination Department, Directorate of Fertő-Hanság National Park.

Located along the Austrian-Hungarian border, the Fertő/Neusiedler lake region has been the meeting place of different cultures for eight millennia. This can be seen in its varied landscape, which is a result of human interaction with the physical environment.

The ERDF-funded project extended the region’s cycle network route by 6 km, while information signs were installed along an 18 km stretch to help guide the many cyclists visiting the area.

A unique environment

A leisure and theme park located in Fertő-Hanság National Park was also constructed and showcases the rich history of nature protection across the region. In addition, a study trail, where visitors can witness for themselves this unique landscape, has been constructed in Fertőhomok, while a bird watch point is a popular tourist draw in the village of Hegykő.

Areas covered under the works include the villages of Ágfalva, Fertőhomok, Harka, Hegykő, Hidegség, Nagycenk, Sarród, Zsira and Répcevis.

As part of the project, cycling guides complete with maps of the region were commissioned. Some 20 000 posters were designed and printed before being disseminated across the region and further afield.

The project created three permanent jobs.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the “Visiting Lake Fertő/Neusiedlersee cultural landscape by bicycle” project is EUR 1 200 781, of which the EU’s European Regional Development Fund is contributing EUR 867 564 from the Operational Programme “West Pannon” for the 2007 to 2013 programming period.