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A centre dedicated to collaborative research in microelectronics in the Centre-Val de Loire region

  • 05 December 2020

CERTeM, a study and research centre based in the Centre-Val de Loire region, brings together public bodies and companies concerned with research into microelectronics. Its projects for 2020 are oriented towards wireless electronics, energy optimisation and clean energy sources.

The “CERTeM 2020” programme provides public laboratories with access to important technological resources in microelectronics, and research and development subjects in conjunction with manufacturers in the Centre-Val de Loire region. The successive CNRT and then CERTeM programmes have made it possible to support researchers in their technological developments and in the transfer of technology into industry.

Jérôme Billoué, Scientific Director of CERTeM 2020

Today, CERTeM brings together five academic laboratories (GREMAN, GREMI, LaMé, PCM2E and ICMN) from the Universities of Tours, Orléans and CNRS, as well as CEA Le Ripault and three private companies (STMicroelectronics Tours, Vermon and SiLiMiXT).

This study and research centre is positioned on three strategic axes that will be particularly promising in relation to the coming decades: energy efficiency of electrical systems, integrated systems for wireless electronics and clean micro-energy sources. These three axes are structured around four themes: materials, processes, component architecture and 3D connections/packaging.

Projects at the cutting edge of innovation

With regard to the first axis, energy conversion generates electrical losses that produce heat and waste. The objectives of the work carried out at CERTeM are to improve the efficiency of power converters and to reduce losses from alternating current switches by working on the electrical management of networks. Currently, some 20 projects are underway.

As for the second axis, the development of mobile electronics requires the realisation of miniaturised electronic components with enhanced functionalities. The manufacture of these components requires the development of new high-performance materials and processes. Some 15 projects related to this axis are underway.

The third axis is related to energy microsources. The research and manufacture of new microsources of energy, whether electrical, thermal or mechanical, have developed with the multiplication of connected objects. Research work in this area concerns both energy generation (fuel cells), energy storage (micro-batteries) and energy recovery (micro-generators). Some 20 projects are linked to this axis.

Economic and environmental benefits

Human resources are being mobilised, on the one hand to optimise the operational implementation of the platform and, on the other, to support work intended to increase the visibility of CERTeM 2020.

CERTeM 2020 provides industrialists and regional laboratories in its practice areas with the opportunity to improve their technical skills. New companies have already approached CERTeM in order to benefit from its environment. The consolidation of higher technological training courses in the Centre-Val de Loire region will also make these offers more appealing.

The continued development of technologies that follow the strategic axes of CERTeM 2020 will have environmental benefits that relate to the energy efficiency of electrical systems, clean micro energy sources, eco-designs, and the design of low consumption communication systems and components.

Finally, the positioning of the CERTeM 2020 reference platform on an international scale increases the visibility and appeal of the Centre region. It also contributes to the creation of economic wealth and jobs in the Centre Val de Loire region.

Total investment and European funding

Total investment for the 'Centre for Technological Studies and Research in Microelectronics (CERTeM) 2020 - Phase 2' project is EUR 6 940 614; the European Regional Development Fund's contribution amounts to EUR 3 470 271 under the 'ERDF Operational Programme for the Centre-Val de Loire Region' cooperation programme for the 2014-2020 programming period. The investment falls under the ‘Jobs, Growth and Investment’ priority.