
Projects Database

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Strengthening impacts of large-scale research facilities through cross-border cooperation

A Danish, Swedish and Norwegian collaboration has made it easier for EU and non-EU scientists to do research in high-tech facilities near the Danish-Swedish border, thereby improving regional scientific strengths. The MAX IV X-ray facility and ESS neutron facility are in Lund in Sweden’s Sydsverige region, while the ESS Data Management and Software Centre is in Copenhagen in Denmark’s neighbouring Hovedstaden region. The ESS & MAX IV: Cross Border Science and Society project has funded experiments, removed barriers to Denmark-Sweden commuting and strengthened business and research networks.

  da | sv
Projects |
Pelješac Bridge improves links with Croatia’s south Dalmatia region

Construction of the Pelješac Bridge has provided a road connection between south Dalmatia – the southernmost part of Adriatic Croatia, where the city of Dubrovnik is located – and the mainland of the country. This has eliminated the need for road users travelling between the two parts of Croatia to go through two customs controls in less than 10 km and has thus cut travel time by more than 50 %.
