
Projects Database

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A cornerstone of sustainable construction in Lombardy

To help construction companies in Italy’s Lombardy Region meet growing demand for sustainable building design, the Pietra Ricomposta project developed an environmentally-friendly composite stone material.

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Going digital: Poland’s new e-payment scheme

Tired of standing in queues at your local city hall to pay charges and taxes? A new EU-funded e-payment scheme may make that a thing of the past. Implemented in the Polish city of Olsztyn, citizens can now make all tax declarations and waste payment charges online, among a range of other tasks.

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Building a world-class life sciences research facility in Malta

What started out as an idea to help Malta build on its base as a pharmaceutical hub is now the Malta Life Sciences Park (MLSP): a world-class research facility and digital hub set to spur the growth of Malta’s life sciences sector.

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High-tech medicine for heart patients

The New Business Model for Ambulatory Monitoring of Patients Suffering from Congestive Heart Failure sought to develop an ICT-based business model for the long-term, outpatient treatment of chronically ill individuals. Remotely monitoring up to 130 patients led to a 62% reduction in hospital admissions and a 69% decrease in the total number of days spent in hospital.

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Digitalisation of technological design processes boosts Slovakia’s competitiveness

The Bratislava Academy of Fine Arts and Design's 'Digitalisation of technological processes in design' project carried out research into the digitalisation of technological design processes in the areas of industrial, textile and fashion design, graphic design and visual communication. It then transferred the relevant knowledge and technology to practical applications and the modernisation of Slovakia’s technical infrastructure.

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Improved digital public services in the Spanish-Portuguese border region

The “Transdigital Network: Red Rural Digital Transfronteriza” project brought together six local authorities in Spain and Portugal to share knowledge and strengthen online public services. This led to development of joint planning activities and encouraged use of information and communication technology (ICT) services by citizens and companies, thus improving quality of life, increasing employability and promoting competitiveness.

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Corallia technology hub to drive innovation in Greece

The Helllenic Technology Clusters Intiative (HTCI-Corallia) supports state-of-the-art, innovation clusters in knowledge-intensive, export-oriented technology sectors. It is the first project of its kind in Greece whose aim is to boost competitiveness, entrepreneurship and innovation under the auspices of the General Secretariat for Research and Technology of the Hellenic Ministry of Development.

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Wireless access for rural areas

The eRegio project sought to bridge the broadband gap in North Karelia, a sparsely populated region in eastern Finland previously lacking wireless or fixed network access. Today, nearly 98% of households and businesses in the 14 municipalities concerned are eligible for high-speed Internet access, compared to only 74% when the project was launched in 2004. The new network enhances economic competitiveness by putting the region on an equal footing with urban areas.

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