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Anti-fraud and corruption

EU Funds Anti-fraud Knowledge and Resource Centre

Fraud and corruption are harmful to the economy and to the lives of citizens, but there are ways to prevent and detect them. The European Commission and the EU Member States share responsibility for ensuring that EU Funds are spent properly and achieve the greatest possible impact. Moreover, they must put in place the proper safeguards to limit the risks of fraud and corruption.

The Anti-Fraud Knowledge and Resource Centre responds to the need to improve the capacity of responsible authorities to detect and prevent the fraudulent use of EU funds. The EU Funds Anti-fraud Knowledge and Resource Centre provides guidance and legislation, video modules, a library of good practices and other useful tools to help Member States to detect and prevent fraud in the use of EU funds. The online aims to promote cooperation and knowledge-sharing among all those involved in combating fraud.


ARACHNE is an integrated IT tool for data mining and data enrichment developed by the European Commission. Its objective is to support managing authorities in their administrative controls and management checks in the area of Structural Funds (European Social Fund and European Regional Development Fund).

Arachne Risk Scoring Tool