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Open call: Technical Assistance

Technical Assistance Open Call

Between 11 September and 20 October 2023, a call for expression of interest was launched for EU regions to receive Technical Assistance foreseen under Pillar 1 of the Talent Booster Mechanism. This call was open to 46 EU regions from 11 Member States that are experiencing an accelerated decline of their working age population and lagging levels of tertiary education.

Read more about the call below.


In January 2023 the European Commission published a Communication on Harnessing Talent in Europe’s Regions, with a focus on the undergoing significant demographic changes in EU, marked by an ageing population, declining birth rates, and an exodus of young, skilled workers from several regions. In order to help regions address demographic challenges, the Communication announced the launch of the Talent Booster Mechanism, which is a dedicated eight-pillar mechanism that seeks to boost talent in regions facing or at risk of facing a talent development trap. The Mechanism supports EU regions affected by the accelerated decline of their working age population to train, retain and attract the people, the skills and the competences needed to address the impact of the demographic transition.

As part of the Talent Booster Mechanism, Pillar 1 – Technical Assistance – directs assistance to the regions selected out of 46 eligible EU regions with a view to support regional and local authorities in developing strategic thinking and actionable frameworks to address the untapped potential of their tertiary educated labour force and to mitigate the challenges linked to demographic change and brain drain, supporting the identification of needs and priorities and providing advice and methodological support.

To receive this support, a call for expression of interest for Technical Assistance opened from September 11 to October 20, 2023.

Detailed information about the call

For more details on the Technical Assistance provided by Pillar 1 of the Talent Booster Mechanism, please review this guidelines document accompanying the call for expression of interest:

Technical Assistance Open Call Guidelines Document

Deadline: October 20 2023


Eligible regions

The target group of the Technical Assistance under Pillar 1 of the TBM were the 46 regions identified by the European Commission as being in a talent development trap - experiencing an accelerated decline of their working age population and lagging levels of tertiary education:

Country NUTS2 Code Region
Bulgaria BG31 Severozapaden
BG32 Severen tsentralen
BG33 Severoiztochen
BG34 Yugoiztochen
BG42 Yuzhen tsentralen
Czechia CZ04 Severozápad
CZ08 Moravskoslezsko
Germany DE80 Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
DED2 Dresden
DED4 Chemnitz
DEE0 Sachsen-Anhalt
DEG0 Thüringen
Greece EL62 Ionia Nisia
EL65 Peloponnisos
France FRD2 Haute-Normandie
FRF2 Champagne-Ardenne
FRF3 Lorraine
FRY1 Guadeloupe
FRY2 Martinique
Croatia* HR03 Jadranska Hrvatska
HR04 Kontinentalna Hrvatska
Hungary HU23 Dél-Dunántúl
HU31 Észak-Magyarország
HU32 Észak-Alföld
HU33 Dél-Alföld
Italy ITC1 Piemonte
ITC2 Valle d'Aosta/Vallée d'Aoste
ITC3 Liguria
ITF1 Abruzzo
ITF2 Molise
ITF4 Puglia
ITF5 Basilicata
ITF6 Calabria
ITG1 Sicilia
ITG2 Sardegna
ITH4 Friuli-Venezia Giulia
ITI2 Umbria
ITI3 Marche
Poland PL71 Łódzkie
Portugal PT18 Alentejo
Romania RO12 Centru
RO21 Nord-Est
RO22 Sud-Est
RO31 Sud - Muntenia
RO41 Sud-Vest Oltenia
RO42 Vest

*The regions addressed by the communication on "Harnessing talent in Europe’s regions" were based on the previous Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) 2016. The latest NUTS 2021 classification sees a split of the former 2016 NUTS 2 Region HR04 in Croatia into 3 separate Regions: HR02 (Panonska Hrvatska), HR05 (Grad Zagreb), HR06 (Sjeverna Hrvatska). All 3 of these regions were therefore invited to apply for technical assistance via Pillar 1 of the Talent Booster Mechanism.

Find more about the selected regions here: Selected regions

Who could express interest?

From these regions, the eligible applicants were the regional public administrations with implementing powers at NUTS 2 level, in the countries where these are in place: Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, France, Italy, Poland, Portugal.

As an exception, it was proposed that in the Member States where there are no NUTS 2 regional administrative bodies, the eligible stakeholders could be regional development agencies, managing authorities of Regional Operational Programmes, other regional public administrations or national Ministries responsible for selecting one region and submitting its application within the set deadline.

Examples are detailed below:

  • Romania: Regional Development Agencies as Managing Authorities of the ROPs
  • Bulgaria: Regional Development Councils
  • Hungary: Ministry of Territorial Development with a pilot for one of the regions, to be preselected at national level
  • Croatia: Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds with a pilot for one of the regions, to be preselected at national level

These types of administrative entities could have an active role in liaising with implementing stakeholders within the project.

For the particular case of Hungary and Croatia, the Ministry would be proposing the region they would like to represent. They would need to submit the application form within the same deadline.

What type and scope of technical assistance will be provided?

The purpose of the support is Ito assist regional and local authorities in addressing their untapped potential for tertiary educated labour force and mitigate the challenges linked to demographic change and brain drain, supporting the identification of needs and priorities and providing advice and methodological support in order to attract, retain and develop talents.

The level of resources is expected to be in the range of 55 expert-days per region. This range may differ depending on the scope of the technical assistance needed and the overall demand for the support. At the end of the exercise, each region will receive a dedicated strategic roadmap in the form of a report including an action plan. In addition to the strategic report, the selected regions also have the possibility to request an analytical paper on specific issues that need deeper analysis, and to discuss their particular challenges and development vision in the context of the four working groups that are part of the Harnessing Talent Platform.

Selection of regions

The 46 eligible regions are spread across 11 EU Member States. The Technical Assistance is being delivered to 11 EU regions, with the objective of providing support to one eligible region per Member State.

The selection criteria were based on:

  • Clarity of motivation to receive expert support.
  • Relevance and articulation of a specific challenge in the view of diagnosis included in the Communication.
  • Demonstrated operational readiness to engage with the experts.
  • Demonstrated potential for embedding results of the support in the Cohesion policy interventions.

How to apply

Applications are closed.


  1. 11 September – 20 October 2023
    Call for members open
  2. October – November 2023
    Selection of regions
  3. November 2023
    Results are communicated to selected regions
  4. December 2023 – May 2026
    Implementation process with the regions