en English

Feasibility Study on Rail Baltica Railways

Feasibility Study on Rail Baltica Railways


Date: 01 jan 2007

Period: 2007-2013

Theme: EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, Transport, Evaluation

Languages:   en

A strategic study of the Rail Baltica railways has been conducted in the periodNovember 2005 - December 2006 on the request of the European Commission,Directorate-General Regional Policy. The objective of the pre-feasibility studyhas been to assess strategically the overall need and potential for developingRail Baltica and to provide recommendations for project implementation of themost suitable development option in terms of alignment, technical standardsand organisation.The concept of Rail Baltica refers to the imaginative, strategic and sustainablenorth-south rail project connecting Tallinn in Estonia - via Latvia and Lithuania- with Warsaw in Poland. Despite the fact that Rail Baltica is one of the TEN-Tpriority projects, it has become clear that very little specific planning and analysis has been made for the project in the countries.