en English

Working document No.3: Commission methodological paper giving guidelines on the calculation of public or equivalent structural spending for the purposes of additionality.

COCOF Guidance Documents

Date: 01 sep 2006

Period: 2007-2013

Theme: Structural Funds management and Governance

Languages:   de | en | fr

Article 15 of the new regulation (Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006) laying down the general provisions for the Structural Funds retains the basic elements of Article 11 of the previous regulation (1260/99) as regards the principle of additionality. The underlying rationale states that EU Structural Funds may not replace the national or equivalent expenditure by a Member State.

The process of assessment will be threefold.

  • Ex-ante assessment included in the drafting of the National Strategic Reference Framework;
  • Mid-term assessment in 2011;
  • Ex-post assessment in 2016.