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Ultrafast broadband for internet users throughout Greece

  • 20 February 2020

The EU-funded Ultrafast Broadband project is accelerating deployment of broadband internet in Greece by developing next generation access (NGA) infrastructure able to deliver services at very high speeds to users throughout the country. Specifically, the infrastructure will be installed in so-called white NGA areas –where private operators have no plans to make the necessary upgrades due to a lack of profitability. Internet service providers will have open, non-discriminatory access to the new assets.

Tasks include the setting up of around 812 000 NGA lines, 1 184 km of backhaul to connect the core network with local sub-networks, nodes for sending and receiving data, and installing equipment to direct data to specific users.

The project is to be implemented by public-private partnerships. A call for tender divided into seven regional lots has been published. The operators chosen through this process will receive 26-year concessions, including 3-year construction periods, during which they will design, build, operate and transfer the assets.

Measures for a gigabit society

A key target of the Ultrafast Broadband project – of which some 65 % of the costs will be covered by the private partners – is to ensure speeds of at least 100 megabits per second (Mbps) on over 98 % of active lines and in 75 % of remote settlements in the areas concerned.

These areas are divided into two categories based on the level of service to be provided: in category A areas, which contain about 63 % of the active lines, the network will be gigabit capable, offering speeds of 1 gigabit per second or faster. 

In category B areas, users will initially receive speeds of 100 Mbps, with operators required to make the network gigabit-capable by the end of the concession – unless another provider does so beforehand.

Major drivers of socio-economic development in category B areas will receive gigabit-capable services from the outset.

Benefits for business and residents

Benefits of the project include job creation, both directly, during the construction and operational phases, and indirectly, thanks to its contribution to business growth. Employees of local firms will be able to work more efficiently thanks to faster broadband, and opportunities for teleworking will be increased. This will reduce the amount of time and money spent on travel and will generate savings in areas such as office rental.

Businesses will derive advantages from enhanced possibilities for video conferencing, cloud computing, e-commerce and financial transactions.As ultrafast broadband is either essential for, or greatly improves, the functioning of certain consumer services, residents will be better able to use the necessary applications, as well as gaining more access to information and entertainment. 

In addition, the infrastructure should favour expansion of innovative online public services, including those delivered by video, while allowing for wider deployment of many types of tele-health technology.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “‘Ultrafast Broadband’ in Greece” is EUR 869 140 966, with the EU’s European Regional Development Fund contributing EUR 223 000 000 through the “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation” Operational Programme for the 2014-2020 programming period. The investment falls under the priority “Developing support mechanisms for entrepreneurship”.