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Art_Inkubator provides support and infrastructure for start-ups in creative sectors

  • 18 November 2016

Art_Inkubator is based in and run by Fabryka Sztuki, a cultural institution from Łódź, Poland. It aims to stimulate entrepreneurship among people involved in art and culture in Łódź by offering support to new companies in the creative sector on matters such as accounting, legal issues, sales and marketing, as well as infrastructure including offices and space for artistic production.

Art_Inkubator is a great place to develop my company. I specialise in textile art and create unique textile objects for interior decoration as well as personalised accessories. Although the production does not take place in Art_Inkubator, I have my office here, where I design and have my small showroom. Being here made me more aware of the areas connected to business and how to run my company. I have also met a lot of fascinating people here who create products or services and we have collaborated in many ways, which is an added value of this project.

Aleksandra Richert, Art_Inkubator resident

By giving preferential terms for access to premises, office space, IT services and assistance from advisers and trainers, Art_Inkubator has helped entrepreneurs, organisations and young artists in the start-up phase of their businesses. As of the end of 2015, 30 new businesses had developed using its facilities.

Art_Inkubator has 12 double offices, four studios, various workshops, two conference halls, a café, an artistic production space and a concert hall for use by resident businesses and anyone wishing to develop their own projects and skills.

Creativity and enterprise

The project brings together creativity and enterprise and is one of the first projects in Poland founded by a cultural institution with the aim of supporting entrepreneurship in the creative sector. After a year of operation within Art_Inkubator, some of the companies started to hire more staff and the project has led to creation of five jobs.

Resident businesses work in a range of fields. These include visual arts, hospitality, architecture, graphic design, fashion, jewellery and accessories, creative workshops, copy writing, e-marketing, personal development, portraits, photography, textiles, glass making, furniture, illusion shows, industrial design, film production and design of toys.

With its city centre location and good public transport connections, Art_Inkubator has positioned itself as an ideal place for public functions and regularly hosts events for local people such as workshops, fairs, conferences, concerts and performances. These are organised by the residents and the Fabryka Sztuki founders.

A new function for old buildings

Three warehouses which were part of a 19th century cotton factory have been adapted to house Art_Inkubator, thus helping to preserve the industrial heritage of Łódź. While the buildings and their surroundings were modernised to meet safety and accessibility standards, the original layout, exteriors and interiors, including where possible the ironwork, carpentry and flooring, were preserved, and the façades were restored.

Founded in 2006 by the Łódź Art Centre Foundation, the CHOREA Theatre Association and the City of Łódź, Fabryka Sztuki focuses on cultural and artistic education, theatre, visual arts and music. It regularly launches educational and artistic initiatives, including lectures and meetings with major artistic and cultural figures, as well as seminars, workshops, performances, concerts and screenings. It also showcases the achievements of young entrepreneurs and artists.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “The creation of Culture Incubator - Art_Inkubator as part of Fabryka Sztuki in Łódź” is EUR 8 017 695, with the EU’s European Regional Development Fund contributing EUR 3 407 520 through the “Łódzkie” Operational Programme for the 2007-2013 programming period.