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Klimatsmart Innovation ensures a sustainable future for Värmland’s forest-based industries

  • 20 November 2019

The forests of Värmland region in Sweden are central to its economy. Sawmills, paper and pulp are major local industries. A regional industry cluster, Paper Province, has developed the Klimatsmart Innovation project to modernise and strengthen the competitiveness of forest-based SMEs. The project connects businesses, researchers, students and international partners, along with the public sector and civil society, to foster sustainable business practices, products and services. The project is making SMEs more competitive, reducing waste and generating innovation for a low-carbon economy.

Klimatsmart Innovation is a sustainable, long-term regional platform for innovation and development in forest-based value chains. We are creating conditions that promote business efficiency, profitability and growth based on viable solutions to climate change.

Peter Edberg, Project Manager, Paper Province

The Klimatsmart project newsletters, seminars and workshops are expanding skills and ideas available for businesses. To develop the resulting innovations, Klimatsmart also provides networking, research funding, project support, test environments and international promotion.

Around 50 companies have joined the innovation platform resulting from the project. These companies have created new jobs, employed more women, developed links with researchers and become more sustainable. Traditional industries are now more creative and innovative, while new low-carbon industries are emerging in the region.

Support to diversify

The forest is an important resource in the transition to a sustainable society, both as a source of renewable materials and as a ‘sink’ removing and storing carbon emissions. Klimatsmart Innovation’s platform is helping Värmland’s forest-based businesses develop services and expand into new sectors, such as renewable energy, to ensure their long-term future.

The platform is helping SMEs to develop innovative products and processes, improve their business models, discover new technologies and re-use waste. Members can also apply for funding, find business partners and get help with trade fairs and internationalisation.

Forestry businesses also need more skills to innovate. The project promotes cooperation with students and ways to attract more women to this male-dominated sector. Students are supported to train for and find jobs in forest-based industries to ensure a long-term supply of skilled workers.

Workshops based around a large company in the region’s forest industry are generating climate-smart business ideas, while other workshops help municipalities become more sustainable. Together, these support growth, a stronger, greener economy and increased cooperation between diverse actors.

To test business models, services and products, a large-scale demonstrator has been built. This allows innovators to ensure their ideas work economically, with minimum energy and waste.

Sustainable growth

Many companies working with the platform have employed new people, often in target areas. For example, one hired a sustainability manager and took on more women in its factory.  

The final months of the project have been dedicated to seminars helping SMEs to sell services. Project members have also signed up for international exhibitions focusing on packaging developments, for additional ideas on innovative forest-based products.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “Klimatsmart Innovation” is EUR 584 968, with the EU’s European Regional Development Fund contributing EUR 584 968 through the “North Central Sweden” Operational Programme for the 2014-2020 programming period. The investment falls under the priorities “SMEs competitiveness” and “Low-carbon economy”.