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The OLAF report 2022
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Twenty-third report of the European Anti-Fraud Office

The OLAF report 2022

Twenty-third report of the European Anti-Fraud Office,
1 January to 31 December 2022.

Executive Summary

The OLAF annual report 2022 provides an overview of our investigative results and related OLAF activities regarding fraud and corruption and discusses various fraudulent schemes that include collusion, manipulation of procurement procedures, conflicts of interest, inflated invoices, evasion of customs duties, smuggling and counterfeiting.

Ville Itälä
Director-General of OLAF


Ville Itälä, Director-General of OLAF
investigations concluded
financial, judicial, disciplinary and administrative recommendations issued to competent authorities at EU and national levels
million recommended for recovery
investigations opened
selections made
million prevented from being lost

OLAF’s investigative performance and fraud trends in 2022

Main areas of investigations

Collage of water treatment facility and man walking in classroom

Protecting EU funds

The EU budget runs into hundreds of billions and is distributed across the EU and beyond. One of OLAF’s main roles is protecting that funding making sure it is spent correctly and is fully accounted for.

Collage of factory interiors

Protecting EU revenue

OLAF protects EU revenues by tackling smuggling and counterfeiting and customs undervaluation, which reduces the amount of customs duty paid, undermines the EU single market, punishes genuine EU producers, and can threaten the safety of EU citizens.

Collage of hand patting shoulder and office furniture

Investigation in EU institutions

OLAF has a unique mandate to carry out internal investigations into the EU institutions, bodies, offices and agencies for the purpose of fighting fraud, corruption and any other illegal activity affecting the financial interests of the EU.

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Monitoring the outcome and impact of OLAF's recommendations

When OLAF concludes an investigation, it often issues recommendations to the competent national or European authorities. These recommendations are either financial, judicial, disciplinary or administrate and help deter future fraudsters. Find out more about how these recommendations are enacted and what they mean.

Gain a better insight

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Policies to fight fraud

One of OLAF’s core mandates is developing anti-fraud policies for the European Commission. Prevention is better than cure and putting in place a framework, which makes sure that EU money, reaches its intended recipients is a key objective for OLAF.

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OLAF’s mission and mandate

OLAF’s mission is to detect, investigate and protect the European Union Budget. OLAF’s mandate includes; conducting independent investigations into fraud and corruption involving EU funds, investigating serious misconduct by EU staff and members of the EU institutions and developing EU policies to counter fraud.

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