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State of the Union 2023 - Charting the European future

In her State of the Union address on 13 September 2023, President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen outlined the main priorities and flagship initiatives for the year to come, building on the European Union's successes and achievements of the past years. Read the full speech and find what it all means here.

EU's Trade Defence in 2022: defending EU industry and protecting jobs

The 2022 report on the EU's trade defence activities, was published this week. It shows that the European Commission has continued to be active and assertive in defending EU producers against unfair trade practices in 2022 by robustly applying the legislation and ensuring that measures are effective.

EU and New Zealand sign ambitious free trade agreement

The EU and New Zealand have signed their free trade agreement! At a time of challenging geopolitical shifts, cooperation with reliable and like-minded partners like New Zealand matters more than ever. Read the full press release to find out more on the potential trade increase and the opportunities that it will open up for businesses!

Canada: Access to procurement made easy

After the Access2Procurement tool, we have one more tool in store for you. The Canadian authorities have called on the Commission to encourage EU businesses interested in the Canadian procurement market to register with Canada Buys. This new online portal is an important outcome of CETA which enhances transparency and accessibility both for Canadians and foreign bidders. Note that the submission of bids is only possible for registered users. What are you waiting for? Check out the website!

The EU-Chile agreement has been sent to Council for signature authorisation!

The modernised EU-Chile agreement has taken a step towards ratification, with the Commission sending the Advanced Framework Agreement (AFA) and the Interim Trade Agreement (iTA) to the Council for authorising its signature. Once the Council gives its green light, the EU would sign the agreement with Chile. Read the full press release!

Access2Procurement tool now covers USA

DG Trade expanded its Access2Procurement online tool to cover the United States, making transatlantic procurement – and transatlantic trade more broadly – easier for EU businesses. Access2Procurement allows companies in the EU to obtain user-friendly information on public procurement tenders available to them in several of the EU’s trading partners.

EU and Japan strengthen cooperation on digital trade and economic security

The Executive Vice-President and the Ministers concluded on Tuesday at the High-Level Economic Dialogue the EU-Japan Digital Trade Principles. This instrument will build on internationally agreed principles such as the G7 Digital Trade Principles and the World Trade Organization e-commerce negotiations and it will be non-binding.

The new version of the Rules of Origin Self-Assessment (ROSA) tool is now available for most EU FTAs

The new version of the Rules of Origin Self-Assessment tool is now available on Access2Markets for most EU free trade agreements. ROSA has been completely revamped with a new interface and simple questions that will help you through the process of assessing the origin of your product and therefore knowing whether the products can benefit from preferential tariff treatment in the EU trade agreements. Check it out!