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EU requests WTO consultation on Colombia’s compliance in frozen fries dispute

The EU has launched a compliance consultation process at the WTO against Colombia, despite winning a previous dispute settlement case. The EU argues that Colombia is inflating dumping margins using WTO-incompatible methodologies, undermining fair trade practices. This move aims to protect EU exporters' rights and highlight the necessity of adhering to WTO rules in anti-dumping investigations.

Invitation to participate in the surveys on the CETA ex-post evaluation

We invite Civil Society, NGOs, Business, SME and anyone else who wishes to do so to share with us their experiences on the EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)! Express your opinion by participating in one or more of our surveys: Public Consultation survey, Business/SME survey and Preference Utilisation survey.

Our portal won the European Ombudsman award for good administration

Access2Markets is a website that helps EU companies that want to sell products and services to non-EU countries. It includes information on tariffs, taxes, procedures, formalities and requirements, rules of origin, export measures, statistics and trade barriers. It is constantly updated with new info and is available in all EU languages.

EU ministers agreed to hike tariffs on Russia/Belarus grain imports from July 1

We are increasing the tariffs on imports into the EU of cereals, oilseeds, and derived grain products from Russia and Belarus from July 1, to stop Russian grain from destabilising EU farm sector, restrict Russia revenues to fund its war on Ukraine and to tackle illegal Russian exports of stolen Ukraine grain into EU markets. These tariffs, while high enough to suppress such imports into the EU in practice, would not affect exports to third countries.

The EU Elections have began

Democracy is precious and important – not only for us, but for future generations. The moment is now. Use your vote to shape the future of our Union.

Episode 5: What’s the beef? Say cheese!

Beef is often perceived as the biggest bone of contention in trade agreements. But trade in agriculture is about so much more. Take dairy – cheeses, butter or cream from Europe are consumed around the globe, and a major source of income for the whole European dairy sector. Interested in understanding how this equation works? Three experts discuss trade, agriculture and the realities of the French dairy sector. Tune in now and subscribe on your favorite platform !!!

EU and Japan deepen cooperation to ensure stronger and more reliable supply chains

The 5th EU-Japan High Level Economic Dialogue (HLED) announced an initiative towards stronger collaboration to develop transparent, resilient and sustainable supply chains. It highlighted the ongoing strategic alignment and stressed the importance of continuous and deepened cooperation, both at multilateral and bilateral levels, building upon the successful implementation of the EU-Japan EPA.

MAD: the Hannover Messe edition

Great to be at the Hannover Messe in Germany to hear from the business and industry community what the EU can do for them. And of course, to explain how we are supporting businesses to go global.

What is the IPI?

The International Procurement Instrument aims to improve market access, level the playing field, and increase opportunities for EU companies in public procurement markets outside the EU. Watch our video for more interesting insights!

Commission launches first investigation under EU International Procurement Instrument

The EU Commission's launch of the first-ever investigation under the IPI addresses concerns over China's unfair treatment of foreign companies in its medical device procurement market. Having previously raised its concerns directly and repeatedly with Chinese authorities, and in the absence of satisfactory replies or actions, the Commission has decided to address this issue through the Regulation pursuant to the IPI.