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Fostering LifeComp competences through Education

The School Education Gateway, Europe’s online platform for school education, will launch a short open online course on how to promote the Personal, Social and Learning to Learn key competence.

date:  20/10/2021

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We know that educational success in the digital age, and the new normal that we are living in, depends not only on acquiring cognitive and technical skills but also on developing what are called socio-emotional skills, soft skills, or non-cognitive skills. Research shows that systematically fostering those competences through education has several positive effects in terms of academic success, improvement of student wellbeing and mental health, school climate and overall improved employability when students leave the school system.  

In 2020, the European Commission published LifeComp, the European framework for the Personal, Social and Learning to learn key competence. The framework describes nine truly human competences: Self-Regulation, Flexibility and Wellbeing in the Personal Area; Empathy, Communication and Collaboration in the Social Area; Growth mindset, Critical Thinking and Managing learning in the Learning to learn area.

LifeComp competences are teachable and learnable lifelong and life-wide in any educational setting, formal, informal or non-formal.

Join the free online course “Fostering Life Competences through Education” to discover ideas and learning activities to embed this key competence in your teaching practice in the classroom.

The course will be launched on November the 22nd and will finalize December the 6th with an estimated workload of 10 hours.

You can find more information and register here.