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Fight against food fraud: Commission's contribution to Europol/Interpol action against fraudulent fresh tuna

date:  25/04/2018

Today, 25 April 2018, Europol/Interpol published the results of the OPSON VII operation to which the EU Food Fraud Network contributed in order to detect Tuna intended for canning being fraudulently sold as fresh.

Justice, police, customs and food experts have been mobilised to investigate and to ensure the success of this operation in which 11 countries (Spain, Italy, France, Germany, Portugal, The Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Hungary, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland) were involved. In some countries investigations took place on fishing vessels and in processing plants when, in other participating countries, extensive sampling plans took place at distribution and retail levels.

The case is about tuna for canning being illegally treated with substances that enhance the colour leading to a misleading impression of its freshness. This can represent a serious risk to public health, taking into account that the modification of the initial colour can mask spoilage allowing the development of biological amines (histamine) responsible for the so called scombroid syndrome in humans. Spain and France are also conducting judicial inquiries into tuna destined for canning and sold as fresh and on the illegal use of additives, the results of which cannot be disclosed at this moment. In total, more than 51 tons of tuna have been seized.

For more information, please check Food Fraud - EU coordinated cases