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Sustainable development in the European Union - Overview of progress towards the SDGs in an EU context — 2020 edition

On 22 June, Eurostat launched the publication "Sustainable development in the European Union — Monitoring report on progress towards the SDGs in an EU context - 2020 edition". The report provides a statistical overview of the progress towards the SDGs in the EU. Together with the report, Eurostat also provided a short brochure, interactive visualisation tools and a methodology report.

date:  27/10/2020

On 22 June, Eurostat launched the publication "Sustainable development in the European Union — Monitoring report on progress towards the SDGs in an EU context - 2020 edition".  The report provides a statistical overview of the progress towards the SDGs in the EU. Together with the report, Eurostat also provided a short brochure, interactive visualisation tools and a methodology report.

An additional chapter, newly added for 2020, presents a graphical overview of the current status and the short term progress towards the 17 SDGs for each of the 27 EU Member States.

The analysis found that overall, the EU made progress towards almost all of the SDGs in the past five years, with progress in some goals happening faster. However, in some specific areas within goals, the EU moved away from the sustainable development objectives.

Per SDG, the EU made strong progress over the last 5 years towards the overall achievement of SDG 16 ‘Peace, justice and strong institutions’; good progress in SDG 1 ‘No poverty’, SDG 3 ‘Good health and well-being’, SDG 2 ‘Zero hunger’ and SDG 8 ‘Decent work and economic growth’. Moderate progress over the past 5 years was achieved in SDG 11 ‘Sustainable cities and communities’ SDG 4 ‘Quality education’, SDG 17 ‘Partnerships for the goals’, SDG 12 ‘Responsible consumption and production, SDG 7 ‘Affordable and clean energy’, SDG 10 ‘Reduced inequalities, SDG 15 ‘Life on land’ and SDG 9 ‘Industry, innovation and infrastructure’. For SDG 13 ‘Climate action’ there was no progress; and for SDG 5 ‘Gender equality’, the EU moved away from the sustainable development objectives. In the case of SDG 6 ‘Clean water and sanitation’ and SDG 14 ‘Life below water’, the overall trend cannot be calculated due to insufficient data.

More information.



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