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EU and the UK

EU and the UK

date:  12/01/2018

Help shape EU policy to halt decline in bees, butterflies and other pollinators

Opinions are being sought to help shape European policy aimed at halting the decline in bee and butterfly species and other wild pollinators. The questionnaire covers the causes and consequences of pollinator decline, potential mitigation measures and the EU approach to the problem. Respondents have until 5th April 2018 to contribute views on the EU pollinators initiative.

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Speech by Michel Barnier

EU Chief Negotiator Michel Barnier spoke at the Trends Manager of the Year 2017 event in Brussels on 9 January. After outlining the benefits of the single market, he wondered what kind of future relationship the UK wants with the EU. Based on the UK's red lines, he concluded that the only model possible is a free trade agreement but added that this cannot include all the benefits of the Customs Unions and the Single Market. "This is not a question of punishment or revenge; we simply want to remain in charge of our own rules and the way in which they are applied. As it seeks to regain its decision-making autonomy, the United Kingdom must respect ours," said Michel Barnier. He also explained the EU's view that on top of trade, the EU would like the EU-UK's future relationship to include security, defence and foreign policy, as well as justice and home affairs and include some sectors such as aviation and fisheries.

Michel Barnier's full speech

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