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Item Overview

Ireland has the lowest share of people unable to afford a proper meal every second day: Eurostat

According to Eurostat, 9.5% of the EU population were unable to afford a proper meal, i.e. one containing meat, fish or a vegetarian equivalent every second day in 2023 with this figure rising to 23% in Romania. Ireland had the second lowest share at 1.6% just above Cyprus at 1.3%. However, when it comes to people at risk of poverty, the figures were much higher with an average of 22.3% across the EU being unable to afford a proper meal every second day. The figures were highest in Slovakia at 45.7% and lowest in Ireland at 4.2%.

Commission invests €126.9 million into 26 new projects to protect and restore health of our ocean and water by 2030

The European Commission has announced a €126.9 million investment in 26 new projects contributing to the EU Mission ‘Restore our Ocean and Waters'. The projects gather 346 beneficiaries from 35 countries (26 Member States and 9 associated countries), including small and medium businesses, research institutions, local authorities, higher or secondary education establishments. Ireland is a partner in a number (...) of the projects.

Commission sends preliminary findings to X for breach of the Digital Services Act

The European Commission has informed X of its preliminary view that it is in breach of the Digital Services Act (DSA) in areas linked to dark patterns, advertising transparency and data access for researchers. Commissioner Thierry Breton said: "Back in the day, BlueChecks used to mean trustworthy sources of information. Now with X, our preliminary view is that they deceive users and infringe the DSA. We also consider that X’s ads repository and conditions for data access by researchers are not in line with the DSA transparency requirements. X has now the right of defence — but if our view is confirmed we will impose fines and require significant changes".

Europska građanska inicijativa na INmusic festivalu

Ovogodišnje 16. izdanje popularnog festivala ugostit ce VOXBOX Europske komisije. U sredini solarnog pleksusa posjetitelji festivala moći ce predložiti svoju ideju za europsku građansku inicijativu. Europska građanska inicijativa jedinstven je instrument koji omogućuje sudjelovanje u oblikovanju EU-a.

Residence and identity documents

The aim of the public consultation is to gather the views and concerns of all interested citizens, organisations and businesses on (a) improving the security of EU citizens’ ID cards and residence documents and those of their family members and (b) facilitating the exercise of EU citizens’ free movement rights and the rights of their family members to accompany them. The consultation is open until 5 December 2017.

Sur Twitter - Ursula Von der Leyen célèbre les 70 ans du Traité de Paris

Aujourd’hui nous célébrons les 70 ans de la signature du Traité de Paris. It created the European Coal and Steel Community, the bedrock of economic cooperation between former enemies. Auferstanden aus den Trümmern des Krieges begann Europa den Weg hin zur heutigen Union. Voir la vidéo Voir la vidéo Ursula von der Leyen (@vonderleyen) le 18 avril 2021