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Implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Plan in Malta: Achievements and Challenges

The European Commission Representation in Malta in collaboration with the Ministry for Economy, European Funds and Lands is hosting a high-level Annual Event to discuss how the Recovery and Resilience Plan is working in Malta with both the authorities and stakeholders. The event will focus on the energy transition towards renewables, skills and access to EU financing for small businesses.

Festalingwi/ TraTra

September was the busiest month for the DGT Field Office with not one, but two, brand new initiatives being launched. The month kicked off with TraTra, a summer school under the Translating Europe Workshop banner introducing translation practice to sixth formers through talks, workshops and individual guided practice.


Where does Europe stand in 2023? And what’s next? On 13 September, in the course of the State of the Union address, we’ll take stock of our achievements while looking at the EU’s future. Watch live on TVM2 at 09:00am #SOTEU

Europride 2023

Europride 2023 in Malta was not only a great celebration of inclusion and diversity, but also a moment of reflection and political discussion. The Representation partcipated fully in the majority of the political activities organised in the context of this important event, together with the European Commissioner for Equality, Helana Dalli.

Euroopa päev 2023

On taas aeg hakata mõtlema Euroopa päeva tegevustele oma koolis! Andke nendest teada ka meile, et saaksime teie ettevõtmisi jagada teistele koolidele inspiratsiooniks.

Transform-ED - Games and AI in Education

The EC Representation marked Europe Day and the European Year of Skills with a bang by organising the first-ever edition of Transform-Ed. Between May 8 and 10, hundreds of educators, expert trainers, thought leaders and industry representatives from over 50 educational institutions across the EU and USA met in Valletta to discuss and learn about the challenges and opportunities presented by using artificial intelligence and games in education.

Day of European Authors

To mark the first Day of European Authors on March 27, Malta Libraries and the EC Representation teamed up to launch the EU Authors Library at the Central Public Library in Floriana. The initial collection of 27 books from the 27 EU Member States will serve as the backbone of a collection that is set to expand over the years to provide a wider range of books from all over the EU.

TRAD23 Information Session - TOMORROW

The European Commission is launching a call for its new framework contract for external translation, TRAD23, which includes translation from English to Maltese. On March 10, Andrea Tozzi from DGT S2 and Helga Zahra from DGT MT will be on hand for a special information session at Dar l-Ewropa in Valletta about the TRAD23 framework contract for external translation.

Intejbu l-Wikizzjunarju bil-Malti

On Saturday 25th, the Representation hosted a workshop by Wikimedia Community Malta called Intejbu l-Wikizzjunarju bil-Malti. The aim of the workshop was to train people to use Wikidata to upload and edit Maltese words (or lexemes) to be used in the Maltese version of the Wiktionary, a freely available dictionary, with the ultimate aim of making the Maltese language more present in the digital world.

The European Climate Pact: Together in Action

The European Climate Pact, launched in December 2020 as part of the European Commission’s Green Deal, is celebrating two years of climate action. This event will enable you to learn more about the movement of people and organisations involved in the Pact, its achievements so far, and how you can get involved in the future. There will also be networking opportunities with Climate Pact Ambassadors from across Europe, as well as with policymakers, experts and activists to further discuss climate action. Interpretation into several EU languages will be available.

Fundamental Rights Dialogue

Join the online debate about the fundamental rights situation in Luxembourg and the European Union with European Commission Vice-President for Values, Transparency, Verà Jourova and the Member of the European Parliament Marc Angel. Your views on the fundamental rights situation in Luxembourg and the European Union ! What needs to change? In what areas do authorities need to step up their action ? Racism, hate speech, disinformation, discrimination, fair and equal access to education, jobs and healthcare and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on people’s human rights - Nothing is off topic ! Join us LIVE for an exchange with European Commission Vice-President for Values, Transparency, Verà Jourova and the Member of the European Parliament Marc Angel. The views you express during the dialogue will not be for naught ! They will be published on the platform of the Conference on the Future of Europe and help shape upcoming policies and actions on fundamental rights.

L'Europa che vorrei

Il 9 aprile 2019 si terrà a Varese l'evento "l'Europa che vorrei" per parlare di equilibri ed identità europea.

Ministři zahraničních věcí EU se sejdou v argentinském Buenos Aires

U příležitosti 11. Konference ministrů Světové obchodní organizace (WTO), která se bude konat od 10. do 13. prosince v Buenos Aires v Argentině, proběhne také setkání unijních ministrů zahraničních věcí. Rada přijme závěry, z nichž bude vycházet postoj EU během konference WTO.

FreSsco (Free Movement and Social Security Coordination) seminar: Impact of recent developments at EU level on entitlements under EU law on freedom of movement and social security

The EC-funded FreSsco network (Free Movement and Social Security Coordination) will organise a seminar in Dublin (Ireland) on 26 May 2016. The seminar is being organised by FreSsco in collaboration with its Irish national expert, Gerry Mangan. FreSsco is an EC-funded network of independent experts from 32 European countries coordinated by Ghent University and Eftheia. The seminar will be dedicated to a discussion of the impact of recent developments at EU level on entitlements under EU law on freedom of movement and social security. The main focus will be on the position of those seeking work and those recently employed in another Member State. The language of the seminar will be English. The target audience includes staff of relevant authorities and institutions, social partners, academics, NGOs, judges and lawyers. In case you wish to participate in this seminar, please address to the FreSsco management ( Participation is free of charge. Please note that