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Implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Plan in Malta: Achievements and Challenges

The European Commission Representation in Malta in collaboration with the Ministry for Economy, European Funds and Lands is hosting a high-level Annual Event to discuss how the Recovery and Resilience Plan is working in Malta with both the authorities and stakeholders. The event will focus on the energy transition towards renewables, skills and access to EU financing for small businesses.

date:  08/11/2023

venue:  Gran Salon, Auberge de Provence (National Museum of Archaeology), Republic Street, Valletta, Malta

Organiser:  European Commission Representation in Malta

RegistrationRegister here

Practical information

·      What: RRF annual event: Implementation of Recovery and Resilience Plan in Malta

·      When: Wednesday 8 November 2023, 09:00 - 13:00 CET

·      Where: Gran Salon, Auberge de Provence (National Museum of Archaeology), Republic Street, Valletta, Malta

·       Language: English


In 2020, in response to the unprecedented crisis caused by the coronavirus, the European Commission proposed the recovery instrument NextGenEU. Out of NextGenEU, the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) was developed to help Member States emerge stronger and more resilient from the Covid-19 crisis. To this end, the RRF has made available €672.5 billion in grants and loans to support the reforms and investments undertaken by Member States in their national Recovery and Resilience Plans (RRPs).

Malta’s national Recovery and Resilience Plan was agreed with the European Commission in September 2021 and contains 16 investment projects and 31 reforms covering the priorities of climate neutrality; decarbonising transport; digital, smart and resilient economy; health; quality education and socio-economic sustainability; strenghtening the institutional framework and REPowerEU. Malta’s total allocation of grants under the Recovery and Resilience Facility is €328m.

The implementation of these investment and reform measures within Malta’s plan are well underway. Moreover, the plan was revised in Summer 2023 to include a REPowerEU chapter, supporting renewable energy delopyment and investment into the energy grid and battery storage.

More information:

The Recovery Plan for Europe in Malta

Malta’s Recovery and Resilience Plan page