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Cohesion Policy supports RePower EU

Cohesion Policy funds feature among the means to finance decarbonisation and green transition projects within the REPower EU plan

date:  18/05/2022

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The REPowerEU Plan will rapidly reduce our dependence on Russian fossil fuels by fast-forwarding the clean energy transition and adapting our industry and infrastructure to different energy sources and suppliers. Member States can draw from their Recovery and Resilience Plans to channel investments to REPowerEU priorities.  In the 2022 European Semester cycle, there will be country-specific REPowerEU recommendations for each Member State. Member States can use the remaining RRF loans (currently €225 billion) and new RRF grants funded by the auctioning of Emission Trading System allowances, currently held in the Market Stability Reserve, worth €20 billions. Cohesion Policy funds are among the means to finance REPowerEU. Increase in voluntary transfer to the RRF of up to 12.5% of Member States’ national 5% transfer possibility and add a 7.5% transfer possibility (additional €26.9 billion) to be spent exclusively on REPowerEU objectives. Under the current MFF, cohesion policy will support decarbonisation and green transition projects with up to €100 billions.