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REACT-EU: €84.3 million to support the economic and social recovery in Finland and Germany and welcoming people fleeing the war in Ukraine in Latvia

Finland, Germany and Latvia will receive an additional €84.3 million in total under REACT-EU to support the post-pandemic recovery and the greening and digitalisation of their economy, as well as to support people in need, including people fleeing the war in Ukraine

date:  11/05/2022

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Finland, Germany and Latvia will receive an additional €84.3 million in total under REACT-EU to support the post-pandemic recovery and the greening and digitalisation of their economy, as well as to support people in need, including people fleeing the war in Ukraine. In Finland, €36.4 million will support small and medium businesses (SMEs) with their post-coronavirus pandemic recovery, the implementation of new and green technologies, cyber-security and digitalisation. The funds will also be invested in the digitalisation of public and industrial sectors, green growth and new health care products.

In Germany, in Saxony-Anhalt, an additional €23 million will help disadvantaged pupils to improve their digital skills. In addition, the Berlin operational programme (OP) receives €12.1 million to support SMEs with their networking and cooperation activities and the congress and conference industry which was hit hard by the pandemic crisis in the industry's transition to more hybrid and sustainable events. Finally, Rheinland-Pfalz will receive an additional €11 million for measures to strengthen the innovation and competitiveness of SMEs, support information and knowledge transfers between universities and SMEs, as well as accessible tourism and energy efficiency measures to reduce CO2 emissions.

In Latvia, the Food and Basic Material Assistance OP will receive an additional €1.8 million to support people in need, including those who have been affected by the coronavirus crisis and people who have fled the Russian invasion in Ukraine. Around 70,000 people in need, including around 10,000 persons with disabilities, will benefit from material assistance, food parcels and warm meals. REACT-EU is part of NextGenerationEU and provides €50.6 billion in additional funding (in current prices) over the course of 2021 and 2022 to the 2014-2020 cohesion policy programmes.

The 2021 tranche of REACT-EU had already allocated €40 billion. To help Member States manage the arrival of people fleeing the war in Ukraine, the Commission has recently increased the co-financing rate and has paid more than €3.5 billion in advance payments from REACT-EU.