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New EUSBSR Action Plan focused on recovery

In February 2021, the Commission adopted its updated Action Plan of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR), which aims to boost the transnational cooperation in the Baltic region towards a more efficient recovery.

date:  22/04/1999

Earlier this year, the EUSBSR, the first EU macro-regional strategy (MRS) and one of the most diverse, presented its updated action plan under the 2021-2027 Cohesion policy-programming period. Covering the Baltic Sea and its hinterlands, it serves 85 million people across 8 EU Member States - Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, and Sweden -, and Neighbouring Countries: Belarus, Iceland, Norway, and Russia.

This new plan will strengthen, share and accelerate resilience, recovery and secure economic and social development while striving for a green and digital transition. In particular, it focuses on intensified international cooperation in solving cross-border issues, a topic that became more relevant than ever following COVID-19 and subsequent border lockdowns. The document also details how the #NextGenerationEU recovery package will be used and how the MRS policies will be aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Aside from guiding investments, the plan intends to boost the participation of young people in the governance process as well as introduce a simplified coordination and management system, the reduction in the number of actions from 73 to 44 across 14 policy areas, and a Trio of Presidencies to promote coherence and continuity.

Last but not least, a Baltic Sea Strategy Point will coordinate capacity building and knowledge sharing, and improve the communication capacity.

In short, the Baltics are looking at a challenging, long-term work – but the results will be worth it: from a higher quality of life to more sustainable practices. Together, we’re stronger.

Want to read more? Then visit the EUSBSR’s official website