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Stories from the regions: Foodtruck GULE "Handicap? So, what!? Prague, Czech Republic

Stories from the regions goes to Prague, the capital of Czech Republic, to introduce a special food truck. It is a social enterprise, created with the support of EU funds. The project employs people with disabilities who are preparing and selling donuts, milkshakes and coffee.

date:  03/02/2021

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The name of the project in Czech language is GULE. It stands for Gastronomie Umoznujici Lidem Existovat. In English it would be Gastronomy Enabling People to Exist. There is also another meaning in Czech as explained in the video "Handicap? So, what! We have GULE (balls) for that".

Note: The images of this episode were taken before the pandemic and the health security measures.

More information about the GULE project.