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Successful start for the pilot action on #engagingcitizens for #cohesionpolicy

On 15 July, the European Commission and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) successfully launched the first pilot action aimed at promoting genuine and meaningful citizen engagement in implementing cohesion projects on the ground. As part of this collaboration, institutions involved in managing five programmes from Italy, Poland, Spain and two Interreg programmes – Romania-Bulgaria and Flanders-The Netherlands - will receive top class expertise and tailored assistance in setting up new initiatives to involve citizens and promote transparency and accountability. The OECD has proven in several projects its expertise in the matter and is looking forward to working with the selected authorities.

date:  23/07/2020

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The pilot is the first of a series of actions promoting citizen participation in projects co-funded by the EU announced during the High-Level Conference on the issue of Engaging Citizens for Good Governance in Cohesion Policy on 6 February 2020 in Brussels, under the political leadership and with the participation of Commissioner Ferreira. 

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