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Gender pay gap: public consultation

Last week the Commission launched its new Gender Equality Strategy for the next five years. At the same time, it also launched a public consultation on pay transparency which is the first step towards an initiative at the end of the year. This consultation is very important to collect evidence on pay discrimination cases and views on possible measures to increase pay transparency. This public consultation aims at collecting information, views and experiences on (i) gender-based pay discrimination and (ii) pay transparency measures as a tool to support awareness and enforcement of the ‘equal pay for equal work or work of equal value between women and men’ principle. The information collected will feed into an impact assessment accompanying an initiative on pay transparency measures. The consultation is open until 28 May 2020.

date:  11/03/2020

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Last week the Commission launched its new Gender Equality Strategy for the next five years. At the same time, it also launched a public consultation on pay transparency which is the first step towards an initiative at the end of the year. This consultation is very important to collect evidence on pay discrimination cases and views on possible measures to increase pay transparency.

All citizens and organisations are welcome to contribute to this consultation. The Commission seeks to gather input from individual citizens and a broad range of stakeholders, including public authorities and administrations, professional and business associations, social partners (trade unions and employers), women's associations, national equality bodies, labour inspectorates, other national bodies, civil society and non-governmental organisations, academics and research funding and performing organisations, including universities.

This public consultation aims at collecting information, views and experiences on (i) gender-based pay discrimination and (ii) pay transparency measures as a tool to support awareness and enforcement of the ‘equal pay for equal work or work of equal value between women and men’ principle. The information collected will feed into an impact assessment accompanying an initiative on pay transparency measures.

The consultation is open until 28 May 2020.