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Integrity Pacts: event brings together participants in the initiative for transparent and efficient procurement

The "Integrity Pact" Stakeholder Event takes place today in Bucharest and marks almost two years since the launch of the project "Integrity Pacts - civil control mechanisms for safeguarding EU funds, Phase II" by DG REGIO and Transparency International (TI). The participants are addressed in the opening session by Ms Vittoria Alliata di Villafranca, Director, DG REGIO, Mr Marius Nica, Romanian Minister-delegate for European Funds, Mr David Ondračka Executive Director, Transparency International Czech Republic and Mr Pascal Boijmans, Head of Unit, DG REGIO.

date:  15/12/2017

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The "Integrity Pact" Stakeholder Event takes place today in Bucharest and marks almost two years since the launch of the project "Integrity Pacts - civil control mechanisms for safeguarding EU funds, Phase II" by DG REGIO and Transparency International (TI). The participants are addressed in the opening session by Ms Vittoria Alliata di Villafranca, Director, DG REGIO, Mr Marius Nica, Romanian Minister-delegate for European Funds, Mr David Ondračka Executive Director, Transparency International Czech Republic and Mr Pascal Boijmans, Head of Unit, DG REGIO. 

An Integrity Pact (IP) is a contract signed by three parties: a contracting authority, bidders for public contracts and a civil society organisation that engages in monitoring the compliance with the commitments made. Through this oversight mechanism, more accountability and legitimacy is ensured and a transparent procurement process is fostered. 

There are currently 17 IPs for projects co-financed by EU Structural and Cohesion Funds in 11 Member States. The overall objective of the project is to ensure civic control on projects for safeguarding EU funds against fraud and corruption and making the procurement process more transparent and efficient. In light of the lessons learned, this can be further disseminated and applied to other co-financed EU projects. 

The aim of the Stakeholder Event is to gather representatives involved in the IPs from the national contracting and managing authorities and from civil society organisations in order to share experiences, best practices and devise opportunities for the future.