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"Boosting EU Border Regions" platform coming live in mid-January!

An EU-wide online professional network devoted to exchanges on border issues will be launched by the Commission in mid-January 2018 as part of the measures proposed by the Commission in its Communication on EU Border Regions.

date:  13/12/2017

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This platform is one of the 10 measures proposed by the Commission in its Communication on EU Border Regions and it is aimed at supporting all the other actions foreseen in the Communication by providing a 'place' to discuss and present border issues and solutions. The key objective of the network is the creation of a stronger border community at European level. It will be hosted on a Commission's already existing platform, the Futurium, and will be publicly accessible.

As key actors in the 'border' community, YOUR INPUT is crucial! We encourage YOU all to take part in the dialogue, share the good practices, exchange on your daily experiences about interacting in the cross-border regions, and spread the voice among the relevant stakeholders in your programme area. More information on how to enroll in the platform and create an account to participate in the discussion will follow soon. Stay tuned!