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Publication of study on border obstacles cost

The final report of the study "Quantification of the effects of legal and administrative border obstacles in land border regions" is now available on the Inforegio website. The study was contracted by REGIO in the framework of the preparation of Commission's Communication on EU Border Regions and provides interesting conclusions on the impact of legal and administrative obstacles in border regions.

date:  13/12/2017

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Did you know that legal and administrative barriers in EU border regions determine a GDP loss of about 458 billion euros and have an impact on employment not only in EU land border regions but in the whole EU? What would be the impact in terms of growth and jobs if these obstacles were removed? The reply to these questions is in the final report of the study "Quantification of the effects of legal and administrative border obstacles in land border regions", contracted by REGIO to Politecnico di Milano (Italy) and now available on the Inforegio website. The study analyses which productive assets are vital for regional growth in Europe, and shows that, in the presence of legal and administrative barriers, these assets are not fully exploited, thus causing direct and indirect losses at GDP level with negative repercussions on employment.