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Real Economy: EU funds adding up for life improving projects

In this episode of Real Economy Vice President Jyrki Katainen and Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Creţu sit down for a joint interview to address funding of projects improving the lives of European citizens, and to highlight the synergies that EU countries can utilize.

date:  15/02/2017

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The global economic and financial crisis has brought about a sharp drop in investment across Europe, hampering essential development in broadband, waste water treatment, transport, innovation and SME financing.

Investment in Europe is currently 15% below pre-crisis levels. Investment needs are high and money is available, but many potential projects do not materialise due to a variety of barriers. Investor confidence is low due to economic changes, along with legal uncertainties.

In the next few years the European Structural and Investment Funds and the European Fund for Strategic Investments will be able to finance more projects in EU countries and their regions.

In this episode of Real Economy Vice President Jyrki Katainen and Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Creţu sit down for a joint interview to address funding of projects improving the lives of European citizens, and to highlight the synergies that EU countries can utilize.

Two funds combined in the same structure can attract more investors – both private and public - thus increasing the effect of EU funding to create jobs and generate economic growth.